Friday, January 30, 2015

Free Energy & Other Advanced Technology

Our machinery will be driven [in future generations] by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy. It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature. -Nikola Tesla
"Empty space" is filled with particles such as the Higgs Boson, quarks and gluons. The Higgs was not confimed experimentally until 2011 by CERN. The empty space of just one meter cubed has 10^37 joules, which is the total amount of energy our sun produces in 1,000 years. It's a negative energy density. According to our current theories and knowledge, there is no explanation why the universe doesn't explode. This is called the cosmological constant problem: a central problem in fundamental physics. This is the edge of knowledge. The cosmological constant is the value of the energy density of the vacuum of space, related to how the universe is about 70% dark energy. This is zero point energy.

Free energy from the Zero Point Field ether is an extremely important topic. In Unity, I write about the ability for energy healers with higher consciousness to channel this ZPF energy and how to achieve this transformational ability. I describe this in the context of the highest level of yoga consciousness and superconductivity (p.492). (For example, see this YouTube about an advanced practitioner channeling chi to heal and even light paper on fire.)
Screen-shot from the YouTube video of an advanced energy healer
lighting paper on fire by channeling chi.

In Unity, I describe, "a human's potential energy is about 100 nuclear power plants or 1.2m GWh (compared to 20m Gwh global electricity consumption), if all atoms are converted to energy. Actualizing just a small fraction is possible. The basis for this is E = mc^2, where energy, mass, and light (c) are convertible. Channeling energy isn't about converting our atoms, but the energy in the ZPF, the infinite sea of energy in which all reality exists.

I did not include information about external technologies to channel Zero Point Energy because there are no known devices that can do this. As the story goes, these technologies are hidden and suppressed. I now fully believe this. And I'm now willing to write about this because I've confirmed from numerous reliable sources that we're at the edge of Zero Point Energy emergence. This will be one of the greatest transformational shifts in society that will define a new era of energy. We will soon have technologies that do not rely on electric lines, oil, or uranium.  

When looking up this idea on Amazon, I came across many amazing, worthwhile and popular books, but they still left me wanting something more:
The consensus is that this Zero Point Energy is suppressed by extremely powerful vested interests ("misanthropic psychopaths") such as the Exxons,  JP Morgans, and Lockheed Martins that dominate the global energy, money, and military systems.  For example, the oil interests value their known oil reserves at about $70 Trillion. That's quite the big incentive to prevent sustainable, decentralized, and non-profitable alternatives. But we have to leave at least 90% of these "resources" in the ground. We have to stop burning our ancestors and destroying ourselves.

Today, while talking with an advanced energy healer, I was introduced to Steven Greer, with the Orion Project for breakthrough energy technology, while also focusing on ETs with Serius Disclosure, a related film (on YouTube!!) and a one-hour YouTube interview. Greer's books are:
  • Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge (2006), based on years of high-level meetings with over 450 military and government-connected insiders and whistle-blowers and briefings with senior government officials, and the related book,  
  • Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History (2001), with explosive testimony by actual government insiders proves that UFOs are real, that some are of extraterrestrial origin and that super-secret programs have energy and propulsion technologies that will enable humanity to begin a new civilization - a civilization without pollution, without poverty - a civilization capable of traveling among the stars.
  • Contact: Countdown to Transformation (2009),  about how the CSETI protocols have led to ongoing - and rapidly increasing - contact with Interstellar civilizations and how these contact events are building to an astonishing crescendo: We are now in the final Countdown to the Transformation of life on earth as we become a peaceful, universal society.

The human experiment is on the edge of self destruction: the climate crisis, nuclear war, ecocide, corporatism, militarism, state failure, gross wealth inequality, and widespread fear, ignorance, and the suppression of life-saving ideas and technologies.  But we're also on the edge of a transformational shift from tyranny to a peaceful, sustainable, and just cosmic community.

Other Energy Technologies
In Unity, I include short discussions of many external technologies, including biophotonics (such as kirlian photography, spectrophotometry, photometer, ECG, EEG, fMRI, SQUID, EDR, and CCD) crystals, quantum computers, Kozyrev mirrors, pyramids, and tachyon disks. I also mention isolation chambers, magnetic and electric stimulation, binaural beats. I also include descriptions of inner or mental technologies, including energy healing, lucid dreaming, telepathy, remote viewing, psychic surgery, evolutionary meditation, and other yogic siddhis ("perfections", "accomplishments," or supernormal abilities). I also list other techniques to achieve higher consciousness, such as yoga, chanting, dance, fasting, sex/love/romance, entheogens, and extreme exercise.

And one of my favorite parts is a proposal for a focused contemplative/meditative practice for reducing greenhouse gases and healing and revitalizing the environment, which I call "spiritual geoengineering."
In the update, I'll also mention the technologies of tuning forks, crystal healing beds, orgonite, platonic solids, the Lightfield Devices, ARVs ("alien reproduction vehicles" discussed in Contact), stone monoliths above quartz faults that cause higher consicousness, and so on. Except for ARVs, these external technologies help people align with Source, clear people's energy field, accelerate experiences with higher states of consciousness, and enable people to be a channel of Zero Point Energy AKA Spirit or God, but external technologies are like training wheels and are not essential or substitutes for right intention, living, nutrition, and meditation. *Please e-mail me with other recommendations for inner or outer energy technologies!*

 Tuning Forks
 crystal healing bed

John of God Mandala

Update (Feb. 13th) 
Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients (David Hatcher Childress, 1999).

According to the Akashic Records, the ancient civilization Atlantis used advanced crystal energy systems. The sun's rays were reflected by crystals and used as an energy source. Energy waves were also used to power vehicles.  (The Akashic Records themselves contain the Great Hall of Learning, where all breakthroughs of science and future technology are accessed by the geniuses such as Edison, Tesla, Einstein, and Newton.)

Update (Feb. 18th)
The Lightfield Device creates an attunement environment to boost people's perceptive abilities of higher frequency bands or dimensions than what people normally see, feel, or touch. The Lightfield creates coherence through (1) the space of the physical sacred geometry, which creates a coherent informational field, (2) soundwaves: the projection of coherent information  that's separated from electromagnetic fields; and (3) lightwaves: the information from the light is projected. (In this dimension, we understand the metaphorical ideas of light as enlightenment, truth, and love; and music as harmony and order. This information or ideas are separated and projected.) Thus, the space, sound, and light are coordinated and synched, producing a strong field of coherence. The effect is that a person can get rid of emotional trauma or the corruption or limitation of identity. One feels relieved and revitalized, can see infinite possibilities, and is filled with life-force, or love and gratitude, which is the highest field of coherence.


Platonic solids create an information field, a field of coherence (14'30''), a living field; it activates our energy field; it creates a connection with the dimension it's fundamental to. The bigger the structure, the bigger the effect. The heart and mind-consciousness guides the effect and the merging with the Divine Source. The energy facilitates the attainment of higher consciousness and for our consciousness to travel or transition between this and higher dimensions.
  • Octahedron - 3rd (this) dimension (8-sided; double pyramid)
  • star tetrahedron - 4th (Merkaba "light spirit" or vehicle of light; to take the spirit and the body into the next world) (See the Merkaba Meditation) (See the Merkaba Breath Meditation).
  • cube - 5th
  • dodecahedron - 6th
  • icosahedron - 7th

Activating one's Merkaba energy field enables one to experience expanded awareness, connected with elevated potentials of consciousness, restoring access and memory of infinite possibilities of our being, integrating various aspects of (masculine-feminine, intuitive natures) our mind and spirit. The Merkaba of our higher selves is One with all. It's the Source. It's silent stillness. It's perfect balance. The sensation is blissful and loving. Out of this sensation is flow of wisdom, clarity, and compassion. It pulsates, expands, and contracts. It's a vortex-sphere, spinning, spiraling, with crystalline structures of light. It allows one to move between dimensions and to communicate with civilizations of light. (source: Mountain Valley Center).
Update (March 5th)

Vogel-cut Quartz Crystals are an instrument for storing, amplifying, transferring and cohering the energies of the body-mind of an individual. It's a four sided quartz crystal with pyramidal terminations. (Described at It's a 3D Tree of Life that emits and transmits coherent fields. It restores coherence to an incoherent energy within and around a distressed or diseased individual. The crystal must be faceted with geometrical precision and must be worked with right attitude and consciousness. It's not simply a matter of mechanically cutting the shape. A genuine Vogel-cut crystal costs about $500 (whereas Vogel "style" crystals are $40 on Amazon).

Plus,  these crystals can create a direct current voltage, up to 75 volts, and light a light-bub, with coils of copper, silver-tin, nickle, and breathing. Thus, the vogel-cut crystal is a power source.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Change the World

How to Change the World

We too easily dismiss our power to take control of our own destiny. Self-disempowerment plays the biggest role in how difficult we make change. We can allow ourselves to think beyond all of the concepts and belief systems that have shaped our world thus far.  While we were busy sleeping our way through this scripted lifestyle, we did not reflect much on our purpose for being on this planet. We did not stop to question who we are. We were so busy identifying with our jobs, possessions, revenues, roles and traditional beliefs. The reality we have experienced is the result of indoctrination.

We can overcome issues of money, hierarchy/authority, ownership, scarcity, standardized education, the need to "earn a living" ("earning" our right to be alive), and the environmental crisis. 

Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind. -Plato

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. -Einstein

Do you remember how electrical currents and "unseen waves" were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy. -Einstein
What we have called matter is energy (light), whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. -Einstein
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. -Nikola Tesla
Reality Beyond the Brain

Reality is quite different from the images filtered by the brain. Set aside the scientific ego and open your mind. The fundamental construct of reality is different than our mind's perception of what is "out there." What we perceive "out there" is our brain's interpretation of electrical signals derived from light. What we see as visible light (energy) is an infinitesimal part of the vast range of light frequencies.

There are no definitive breaks or boundaries when it comes to light, only a continuous range of energy. What is "out there" is unlike the coherent and conceivable world we experience through our senses. We live in an ocean of light and our brains can only convert a small fraction of those frequencies into what we call our visible "reality."The brain decodes electrical signals into our five senses. Atoms are 99.99999% empty space: they are truly "waves" or clouds of potential existence. And the very presence of a conscious mind observing and intending to define or measure a particle/wave consequently determines the properties and location in which it takes form. This makes objective measurement impossible, known as "the measurement problem." The very act of observation changes the object. An observer's consciousness defines the potential: we create reality. 

What does it mean? The universe is conscious and intelligent because its source is consciousness. Light is consciousness. Consciousness is the force that projects this entire reality.  In physics, this is called the "Unified Field."  The Unified Field is pure abstract potential, being, and self-aware consciousness which rises in waves of vibrations to give rise to particles, people, and everything in the vast universe. We are all part of this consciousness similar to how cells make up a whole body. We are the life-force of the universe embodied. We are all one. 
Any exchange of energy between any two atoms in the universe involves the exchange of photons. Every interaction in the material world is mediated by light. Light penetrates and interconnects the entire cosmos. Although all we ever see is light, paradoxically, we never know light directly. The light that strikes the eye is known only through the energy it releases. This energy is translated into a visual image in the mind, and that image seems to be composed of light, but that light is a quality of mind. We never know the light itself. -Peter Russell 
 Uniting Science & Spirituality
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. -Carl Sagan
Atheists say we should only acknowledge whatever measuring devices or material evidence can quantify. The religious maintain the illusion of separation between man and Spirit/God. Both refuse to acknowledge any piece of information that challenges their doctrine (dogma) or worldview. Once we set aside our egos and the desire to prove ourselves "right" and others "wrong." 

Light photons/waves and light-consciousness permeate everything in existence. Science shows how light is the source of everything we experience and spirituality shows how consciousness is the source of everything we experience. The unity of science and religion is that light is consciousness and consciousness is light. We are light. We are consciousness. We are one. There is no separate "God," nor is there an absence of divinity. Every human, animal, plant, and rock is an expression of the same Spirit, of the same light, the same consciousness.
Simple people imagine that they should see God as if he stood there and they here. This is not so. The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me. My eye and God's eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love. -Meister Eckhart
The terms God, Spirit, Source, consciousness, light, and the universe are all terms often used to describe the source of life, but cause confusion and dogmatic connotation.
Collective Consciousness
The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness, and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it. -Rosemary Fillmore Rhea
In understanding our oneness we become aware of our true power to create change. Our energies altogether create a collective consciousness which is what projects our reality. If we are collectively caught up in separation, hate, judgment, fear, competition, and survival, our world reflects that energy. Our beliefs and perceptions literally shape the world we experience. As more of us raise our consciousness beyond this illusion our actions will reflect greater wisdom and potential and our higher vibration will elevate the collective consciousness and stimulate change

Our bodies are avatars or vehicles in which consciousness experiences this "light show." 
Knowing that I am different from the body, I need not neglect the body. It is a vehicle that I use to transact with the world. It is the temple which houses the Pure Self within. -Adi Sankaracharya
You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself. -Alan Watts
The cosmos is within us. We are made of stardust. We are a way for the universe to know itself. -Carl Sagan
Enlightenment means waking up to what you truly are and then being that. -Adyashanti 

Spirit takes on a temporary veil, covering the memory of its origin. That way, Spirit can experience life with a fresh pair of eyes and rediscover itself anew. Spirit experiences itself through many different journeys and perspectives. Emptiness, pure formless consciousness, is not identified as a particular thing; it's nothing. It's a field of infinite potentiality, ready to be creative. Despite Spirit's inherent oneness, every manifestation and experience is different and everyone represents a unique potentiality of Spirit and will experience reality differently.  

Spirit is an artist. It's painting characters and experiences and scenery, becoming engaged with its creation, and forgetting it is in fact the source of it. It's a beautiful cosmic game. There's an opportunity to rediscover ourself throughout our journey. Our purpose is to play, learn, and rediscover who we are in the process. When we fully recall our true essence of Spirit, we're called "Enlightened."  It involves embracing the beautiful lessons and expansions of awareness that results from experiencing life. Much how a painter expands their talent the more they paint, Spirit expands in knowledge and creativity the more it experiences.

The Enlightenment Process

Enlightenment is a gradual process, with layers of "illusions" of beliefs, perceptions and identity (ego) that enable us to "forget" our True Self of infinite potential. Notice how people go through experiences that challenge their beliefs and mental limitations they're attached to. Emotional baggage, fears, traumas, and sensitivities must be transcended. Our experiences enable us to learn and uncover our true nature.  People who overcome a fear report how they then feel lighter, more peaceful, less limited. This is a greater freedom and potential of their true essence. They have lifted a veil and now radiate more light, more Spirit, more consciousness without limiting beliefs. and perceptions.

In our lives, there seems to be two different versions of reality. One is the surface reality where you think you're the main character in the movie of your life where you make choices and advance your storyline. Deeper than this is a Spiritual reality. This reality remains peaceful and views the characters on the surface reality as messengers delivering wisdom so the character can learn. It is from the Spiritual reality where we can deliver wisdom to one another and reap the rewards by becoming more conscious. -Matt Kahn
Many spiritual people hit at Enlightenment and say its a rare accomplishment. Those who seek Enlightenment, ironically, believe they must become something else than who they truly are, when it's quite the opposite. Enlightenment is not about becoming better or more worthy, it's simply about "unlearning" illusory perception until we're left with the truth of our being. We are already "it." 

The word Enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially You and yet is much greater than you. It is finding Your True Nature beyond name and form. -Eckhart Tolle
We have created the illusion of separation in order that we may experience the reality of Oneness. Only when we are outside the reality can we experience it. It is our wish to know ourselves as who we really are. Thus, we must first create the experience of who we are not. -Neale Donald Walsch
Why would Spirit choose to experience all the war, suffering, pollution, poverty, and corruption? Maybe we as Spirit wanted to see how far the illusion of separation could go. We wanted to feel what it's like to believe ourselves to be totally separate from one another and our environment.. We are here to create experiences and learn from experiences and Enlighten. The intent of Spirit is to expand in awareness and creativity through all potentials. There is no "wrong" way, only the opportunity to grow and rediscover ourSelves through unique paths. The question is: What can we learn from this?

The separateness, chaos, and disharmony offeres the opportunity to learn powerful lessons. We have the opportunity to learn how to reclaim our true power thanks to this challenge. We have the chance to grasp just how bright and powerful our light can be now that we're experiencing such a dim light and divided self. The illusion of separation enables Spirit to undergo awakening to its true potential and oneness. Our realization is powerful coming from an experience of such disconnect.


We need to gain a neutral, higher perspective of the situation and our actions will reflect greater wisdom and understanding. The world is a reflection of our collective consciousness. If we want a world of peace, harmony, and environmental healing then we must align our consciousness with that energy. We do so not by forcing it to happen, but by letting go of all barriers, belief systems, and baggage that come in the way of us embodying our true nature. 

Stop reacting, start creating. Creativity is never about reacting but creating. Creative inspiration is paired with a quiet and peaceful mind. It is out of creativity that valuable ideas and inventions emerge (never out of blame and anger). There is tremendous potential in humanity coming together. Spreading awareness about existing alternatives, creating new ones, and uniting our potential to make them happen. The "system" is in power as long as people are too distracted to realize their own.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller
Blame and judgment serve no purpose. We're heavily programmed with the mentality of separation and personal gain. Elites may be everything our ego loves to hate. Yet the truth is "they" are not separate from us. Even if their mental construct is heavily programmed with ill intentions, their souls are aware of a deeper truth and they play the perfect role for us to grow up and realize our power.  The powers that be reflect our own belief that we are separate and powerless. They reflect our own ego. When we realize our true power, they lose power because we no longer fuel them with our own.

An empowering lesson is to stop blaming and instead thank the roles being played. They are pushing us to realize just how powerless and divided we have perceived ourselves to be so that we can make a transformational shift. Without the role of the oppressor, we would not learn to shift our consciousness from victimization and disempowerment to co-creation and self-empowerment. No one else can do this for us. It is our own learning.
First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and then stop finding fault with the reflection. -Nisargadatta
A single candle can brighten a dark room. On an energetic level, a higher consciousness is many times more powerful than the dormant state we have been in. One source of light automatically charges up all surrounding atoms which brightens the entire room. Darkness, which is a low frequency of light, is not more powerful than us: We enable darkness to prevail as we consciously or unconsciously dim our own light (disempower ourselves). An encouraging lesson is the realization that even a small percentage of humanity taking the blinders off creates a huge ripple effect in the world. The more of us who "light up our candle" by elevating our consciousness, the more it spreads out an energy that supports transformational social change. We are all one. A change in one is a change in all.

End Note
We are the ones calling this forward. We are the ones who have asked for this. We are the ones who are making this change ourselves, within ourselves. -Alex Collier
The nature of the cosmos is such that whatever vision you have about yourself and the world will become reality. -Alberto Villodo

A world of peace, love and harmony already exists within each and everyone of us. If we can imagine it, feel it and resonate with it, it means the potential is imminent within every atom of our being. It already exists in the field of endless possibilities we are all made of. Therefore, a peaceful and loving world is not something you reach out for or create outside of you. It is something you bring out from within. For this reason, the most important contribution we could do for the world right now, is to go within. It is within that our true essence dwells. The source of infinite potential, love, peace, and creativity that all the ancient mystics and modern physicists have been speaking of. 

Our task is not to ask ourselves whether or not a world of peace and freedom is possible, but to look for all the barriers within ourselves that we have build against our true essence—which is of peace and freedom. Experience and understand this reality for the power to awaken from the dream of separation. 

It is time we see our path for what it is: a learning journey. It does not mean we should all be Enlightened tomorrow. We need to let go of what no longer serves us. What do we fear? What are we not at peace with? How do we separate ourselves from others and the world? Do we judge ourselves? Do we judge others? Why? Do we fear what other people think? What are we afraid to feel? What is blocking from us loving ourselves and others unconditionally?  See the patterns of behavior and struggles and inner dialogues. Get to the root of the fears and discomforts from an observer's perspective, the Spirit's perspective, and realize that fears are not based in truth. They are perceptions and beliefs that we are now ready to transcend.
In observing oneself, self-observation itself brings about certain changes in the inner processes. Self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening. -G.I. Gurfjieff
World change may sound like a mission going on outside of us, but it is very much an inside job. The less at war we are with ourselves the more empowered we are to choose differently. In this state we begin attracting opportunities to unite with other souls who are ready to live differently. When we shift, our reality shifts. This is true on an individual and collective level. 

Change is already underway. There are many movements happening all over the world in which people are coming together to opt out of the system and live sustainably. Not to mention worldwide protests. Change is reflecting in the physcial world and the universe. Cosmic energies, solar flares, and planetary alignments are all assisting in raising the collective consciousness of humanity. 

It is up to use to choose which wave we will ride on. 
The wave of transformational change is growing.

Source: How to Change the World by Elina Stonge

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Arctic Methane Bomb

This following information is the heart of the environmental crisis. Methane is "the Achilles heel in our climate system.” It's the "dark horse". Paul Beckwith, Ira Leifer, and other experts believe "our climate system is in early stages of abrupt climate change that will lead to a temperature rise of 5 to 6 degrees Celsius within a decade or two,” with unprecedented effects that threaten human existence.... But let's back up:
Egocentric people couldn't care less about the global commons unless you scare them into seeing merely how it affects their own narcissistic existence, whereupon you have simply reinforced exactly the self-centric survival motives that are the cause of the problem. in the first place. You just reinforce all of that with ecological scare tactics. It is at a global, postconventional, worldcentric stance that individuals can recognize the global dimensions of the environmental crisis and, more important, possess the moral vision and moral fortitude to proceed on a global basis. Obviously, then, a significant number of individuals must reach this level of development in order to be a significant force in global care and ecological reform.   - Ken Wilber. See, blog-post, Evolution of Consciousness
Projected temperature spikes of 3-6°C before 2100 are outside the realm of human existence. This graph shows 90% of Earth’s temperature history. For context, humans have been evolving about 6my and the 10 thousand year Holocene stability allowed for agriculture and our 5 to 10 thousand-year civilization.  A global average rise in 4˚C is “incompatible with civilization” and 5˚C represents likely human extinction.
Vast amounts of methane lie frozen in the Arctic and the Arctic sea ice is melting rapidly, which releases the methane. Additionally, lying along the Arctic’s subsea continental margins and beneath Arctic permafrost are methane hydrates, often described as methane gas surrounded by ice the equivalent of 1,000 to 10,000 gigatons of carbon. (Science, March 2010).  For perspective, humans have released approximately 1,475 gigatons in total carbon dioxide since the year 1850.  Significant methane releases are already happening: researchers have found increasing amounts of methane emissions.

Effect of losing the Arctic sea ice & methane releases:
  • much higher global average temperature.
  • snow and ice in the northern hemisphere becomes very rare or even vanishes year round.
  • solar radiation would be absorbed and heat those waters, and hence the planet.
  • change global weather patterns: vary the flow of winds and alter the position of the jet streams. 
  • runaway feedback loop, releasing more methane in the Arctic.
  • increase the frequency, severity and duration of extreme weather events like torrential rains leading to widespread flooding in some regions and droughts in other regions. 
  • change the climate everywhere in the world.
  • a severe and grave threat to ecosystems and our global food supply. 
US Navy researchers have predicted periods of an ice-free Arctic ocean in the summer by 2016. There's an exponential decline in Arctic summer sea ice volume has already been determined by the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System data and models, which have been corroborated with recent CryoSat measurements, as well as modeling by the Naval Graduate School Regional Climate Models. The advent of the “blue Arctic Ocean” will most likely happen before 2020.

British scientist John Nissen, chairman of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, suggests that if the summer sea ice loss passes “the point of no return” and “catastrophic Arctic methane feedbacks” kick in, we’ll be in an “instant planetary emergency.”

In the atmosphere, methane is a greenhouse gas that, on a relatively short-term time scale, is far more destructive than carbon dioxide. When it comes to heating the planet, methane is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide, per molecule, on a 100-year timescale, and 105 times more potent on a 20-year timescale – and the Arctic permafrost, onshore and off, is packed with the stuff.

According to a study published in Nature Geoscience, twice as much methane as previously thought is being released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, a 2 million square kilometer area off the coast of northern Siberia. The recent study’s researchers found that at least 17 teragrams (17 million tons) of methane are being released into the atmosphere each year, whereas a 2010 study had found only 7 teragrams heading into the atmosphere.

The Looming Specter of Abrupt Methane Release
Natalia Shakhova from the International Arctic Research Center focuses on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS). The ESAS is the largest shelf in the world and holds “at least 10 to 15 percent” of global methane hydrates. “These emissions are prone to be non-gradual (massive, abrupt) for a variety of reasons. There would be nothing “smooth, gradual or controlled” about it; we could be looking at non-linear releases of methane in amounts that are difficult to fathom. It's a phase transition: a relatively short, jump-like transformation from one state of the process to another state. The difference between the two states is like the difference between a closed valve and an open valve.  These immediate methane releases in the ESAS could be triggered at any moment by seismic or tectonic events, the subsiding of sediments caused by hydrate decay or sediment sliding due to permafrost degradation and thaw. The ESAS is 3 to 10 times more likely to see these immediate shifts because it is three times shallower than the mean depth of the continental shelf of the world ocean.

Shakhova warns that a  50-gigaton “burp” of methane from thawing Arctic permafrost beneath the East Siberian sea is “highly possible at anytime.” That would be the equivalent of at least 1,000 gigatons of carbon dioxide. (Remember, for perspective, humans have released approximately 1,475 gigatons in total carbon dioxide since the year 1850.)

Even the IPCC warns of "the possibility of abrupt climate change and/or abrupt changes in the earth system triggered by climate change, with potentially catastrophic consequences, cannot be ruled out. Positive feedback from warming may cause the release of carbon or methane from the terrestrial biosphere and oceans.”

Some scientists warn of even worse consequences.

Global Implications
Ira Leifer, an atmospheric and marine scientist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and author of several Arctic methane studies, says that methane emissions from the Arctic are already larger than previously thought and that the dangers of methane-related warning are staggering. “The amount of methane trapped in submerged permafrost is vast, and if even a small fraction reaches the atmosphere on the time scale of a few decades, it would lead to a dramatic increase in warming on a global scale.” 
He went on to issue a stark warning. “Further acceleration of these processes is very likely to lead to an ‘abrupt climate change’ system reorganization from a cold, snowy, ice-covered Arctic Ocean to a ‘blue Arctic Ocean’ regime,” he said. “The final state could have a global temperature average being 5 or 6 degrees Celsius warmer and the transition to this state could occur in one to two decades, as has occurred many times in the past as recorded in paleorecords.”

Another “Great Dying?”
The Permian mass extinction that occurred 250 million years ago was related to methane – in fact, the gas is thought to be the key to what caused the extinction of approximately 95 percent of all species on the planet. Also known as “The Great Dying,” it was triggered by a massive lava flow in an area of Siberia that led to an increase in global temperatures of 6 degrees Celsius. That, in turn, caused the melting of frozen methane deposits under the seas. Released into the atmosphere, it caused temperatures to skyrocket further. All of this occurred over a period of approximately 80,000 years. 

We are already in the midst of what scientists consider the sixth mass extinction in planetary history, with between 150 and 200 species going extinct daily, a pace 1,000 times greater than the “natural” or “background” extinction rate. This event may already be comparable to, or even exceed, both the speed and intensity of the Permian mass extinction. The difference: Ours is human caused. Plus, it isn’t going to take 80,000 years; it has so far lasted just a few centuries, and is now gaining speed in a non-linear fashion.

It is possible that, on top of the vast quantities of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels that continue to enter the atmosphere in record amounts yearly, an increased release of methane could signal the beginning of the sort of process that led to the Great Dying. Scientits fear we are causing our own extinction and it's happening far more quickly than generally believed possible, in the couse of the next few decades.

How are you responding? 

Source: Dahr Jamail, Truthout, The Methane Monster Roars (13 Jan 2015).

The end of Unity includes a summary of actions for ways people can respond. Of course, preparing for emergencies, community emergency response team (CERT) trainings, developing adaptive capacity, and so on are important but these actions reflect lower consciousness based on fear and survival. (See Unity p.400, describing the levels of climate consciousness: unaware, preppers, environmentlaists, localvores with high adaptive capacity, spiritual eco-yogis, and weather workers).

Higher levels of consciousness involve developing a yoga practice for realizing Higher consciousness, commitment to models of lifestyle excellence, participating in community institutions that embody higher consciousness, and community networking.

My proposal in Unity for spiritual geoengineering is the only proposal for realistically dealing with this Arctic Methane Bomb. It involves developing and building a large group of (many thousands) advanced energy healers with higher consciousness that can literally dissolve the atmospheric methane. I describe how this is possible in Unity and I've described it further at the end of the blog-post, Updates to Unity.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Evolution of Consciousness

Beyond Flatland

The evolution of human consciousness extends through magic, mythic, and rational stages or worldviews which produces different self-identity, needs, and moral senses that are biocentric, egocentric, ethnocentric, and worldcentric, the platform for all higher and truly spiritual development. The four higher stages (transpersonal) are psychic, subtle, causal, and nondual., with nature mysticism, deity mysticism, formless mysticism, and nondual mysticism. These higher stages are very rare, very difficult accomplishments. In the past, they were reached only by a small handful: the lone shaman, the yogi in the cave, and the true seekers of wisdom. These deeper or higher states have never been anything near an average or collective mode of awareness. (223).

The worldview of scientific materialism, which is the "official" worldview of the modern West, aggressively denies not only the higher stages of consciousness development but the existence of consciousness itself. The only thing that is ultimately real is frisky dirt. Flatland. This is reductionism that denies interior reality: there is no consciousness, no mind, no soul, no spirit, no value, no depth, and no divinity found anywhere. Only a great web of interwoven "its", a truly insane worldview.  (224).

Empirical science, and science alone could pronounce on ultimate reality. Science became scientism, which means it didn't just pursue its own truths, it aggressively denied that there were any other truths at all. (240). The external it-domain of industry and science grew like cancer, a pathological hierarchy, invading and colonizing and dominating the internal and morality domains. Science and technical solutions would solve everything.  (242). Scientific materialism dominates and tyrannizes the modern and postmodern world. Ego is all that is left of the interior domains, and even its existence was challenged.  Never in history had nature simply been equated with the ultimate reality. where nature alone is real.  Spirit is denied altogether or nature is claimed as spirit. This is the industrial ontology: "empirical nature alone is real."This idea invades and colonizes and dominates the other domains. This is a disaster. Like a battered victim, people fall in love with their captors, rejecting superficial problems of industrialization while embracing the deeper philosophy. (252).

Plato, Plotinus, Emerson, Eckhart, Lady Tsogyal, and others say how nature is an expression of Spirit. Spirit transcends and includes both mind and nature.  The ecocrisis is the dissociation and lack of integration of nature with consciousness, morals, mind, and culture. The path for earth-saving is interior development and evolution of consciousness.  (254) The evolution of Spirit is the emergence of a Nature or Spirit (or World Soul) that unifies mind and nature, culture and nature.

The rational Ego camp has a desire to control and subdue the world of nature. The life in nature was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short, and quite amoral. The rational Ego brought us a disenchanted world.  The Eco-camp of Rousseau, Schiller, Wordworth, and Whitman rebelled, introducing wholeness, harmony, and union between self and world. (256). But they were still enthralled with sensory nature. Transcendential idealismKant, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger (plus Fichte, Holderlin, Bradley, Husserl)engaged in an heroic battle with the trolls.  (259), but failed to integrate science, ethics and art. The wild, fabulous, amazing, and extraordinary attempt at re-enchantment had finally begun. The crucial problem and dilemma is how to reconcile the necessity to rise above nature (Ascent) with a necessity to become one with it (Descent).  (261)

You might stare for hours at a sunset and suddenly disappear into the World Soul and feel yourself at one with all nature. This is well and good, but nature is not the source of this Beauty. The source is transcendental Spirit, of which nature is a radiant expression. Beauty that takes your breath away, takes your self awaya beauty that bestows new splendor on the setting sun. If you are committed to interpreting this spiritual experience through industrial scientism, you ascribe this Spirit to simple nature itself. You mistaken reduce Spirit to sensory nature and sensory impact.  (267).

Evolution is on its way to a conscious apprehension of Spirit as true Self. You look within. The story of the growth and evolution of consciousness itself is interior growth which also includes the Ego and Eco, the interiors and exteriors. Ecological wisdom is not about understanding how to live in accord with nature; it consists in understanding how to get humans to agree on how to live in accord with nature. This wisdom is an intersubjective accord in the noosphere, not an immersion in the biosphere. It's not on the exterior surfaces, it's a path of intersubjective accord based upon mutual understanding grounded in sincerity. But the Ego camps' repression and regression are the twin engines of the flatland game, the machines of industrial philosophy. (268).

The Dominance of the Descenders

We must go forward beyond reason in order to discover that mind and nature are both simply different movements of one absolute Spirit, a Spirit that manifests itself in its own successive stages of unfolding. Hegel writes how Spirit is not One apart from Many, but the very process of the One expressing itself through the Manyit is infinite activity expressing itself in the process of development itself, or as we would say, Spirit expresses itself in the entire process of evolution.

Moderns are committed to a Descended grid and have no higher stages of evolution beyond reason, enterpreting reality in merely empirical and natural terms, which is why people can't understand or explain self-transcending drives of evolution that have nonetheless become our modern god. (273)

Hegel says how the Absolute is "the process of its own becoming; it becomes concrete or actual only by its development. . . The history of the world is this process of development and realization of Spirit—only this insight can reconcile Spirit with the history of the world—what has happened, and is happening every day, is not only not 'without God', but is essentially God's work."  (276). Spirit descends into manifestation, but this manifestation is nevertheless Spirit itself, a form or expression of Spirit itself. 

At this point in evolution Spirit is still not self-conscious. Thus the whole of nature is a slumbering Spirit. Nature is not a mere inert backdrop but a self-organizing dynamic system and the objective manifestation of Spirit—precisely Plato's "visible, sensible God."  (277).

There was a failure to develop a truly contemplative practice—a true paradigm, a reproducible exemplar, an actual transpersonal practice: a yoga, a meditative discipline, an experimental methodology to reproduce in consciousness the transpersonal insights and intuitions.  There must be interior technologies to change the mapmaker and not simply to merely map the world. There must be a yoga, a transpersonal practice to reproduce the insights and awareness in a practicing community. (281). There must be a dependable practie for the developmental unfolding of the higher stags of consciousness. A practice and methodology, a meditation that allows one to ground intuitions in experiential, public, reproducible, fallibilistic criteria. The Idealists like Hegel had none of this. (282).

The environmental problem is not industrialization or climate change. It's the lack of mutual understanding and mutual agreement in the noosphere about how to proceed with those problems. We cannot rein in industry if we cannot reach mutual understanding and mutual agreement based on a worldcentric moral perspective concerning the global commons. And we reach that worldcentric moral perspective through a difficult and laborious process of interior growth and transcendence. In short, global problems demand global consciousness, and global consciousness is the product of five or six major interior stages of development. A map will not do it. Interior growth and transcendence will do it.  (285).

An Integral Vision

One might have an experience or intuition of cosmic consciousness but if one interprets this solely in terms of finding a higher Self then one thinks all other problems will simply work themselves out. The pure Self will solve everything idea ignores the behavioral, social, and cultural components that are also necessary for transformation. This is very narcissisticfind my true Self and the world will take care of itself.  (286)

One can become one with Spirit and the great immanent system only by a laborious process of inner transcendence which involves many stages of development. 

The "Higher Self" camp is notoriously immune to social concerns. Thinking that Self is responsible for everything that happens is totally disengaged Ego gone horribly amuck in omnipotent self-only fantasies. This simply represses the networks of rich social and cultural communions that are just as important as agency in constituting the manifestation of Spirit.  The idea is that if I can just contact my Higher Self, then everything else will take care of itself. But this fails to see that Spirit manifests not only as inner consciousness but also community with social and cultural foundations. Contacting the Higher Self is not the end of all problems but the beginning of the immense and difficult new work to be done in all spheres. (288).

You don't create your own reality; psychotics create their own reality. The point is that a genuinely spiritual Self does manifest its own reality. Everything is God, not just your own particular awareness. If you interpret spiritual awareness merely as a Higher Self, then you ignore the cultural and social and behavioral work that desperately needs to be done in those domains in order to fully express the Spirit that you are. (289)

The more you contact the Higher Self, the more you worry about the world, as a component of your very Self, the Self of each and all. Emptiness is Form. Brahman is the World. To finally contact Brahman is to ultimately engage the World. If you really contact your Higher Self you work in the community sphere to help manifest this realization, and treat each and every being as a manifestation of the Divine. With the supreme identity, you are established in radical Freedom and that Freedom manifests as compassionate activity, as agonizing concern. The Form of Freedom is sorrow, unrelenting worry for those struggling to awaking. The Bodhisattva weeps daily; the tears stain the very fabric of the cosmos in all directions.

If you interpret Spirit as simply a higher or sacred Self, ignoring Spirit in other spheres, then that will abort further realization. It will profoundly sabotage your own spiritual development and cut off further realizations Spirit's all-pervading presence. You will keep retreating into your interior awareness.

Deeper intuitions touching the I, We, and It domains: not just how to realize the higher Self, but how to see it embraced in culture, embodied in nature, and embedded in social institutions.  Realized, embraced, embodied, embedded: a graceful interpretation of Spirit manifesting in all spheres that facilitates the birth of that Spirit. Graceful interpretation midwifes Spirit's birth, Spirit's descent.  (290).

The mythic God is killed but Spirit is the overall process. Reason has more depth than myhtology and represents a further unfolding of Spirit's own potentials. The rational denial of God contains more Spirit than the mythic affirmation of God.

Every great epoch of human evolution seems to have one central idea that dominates the entire ephoch and summarizes its approach to Spirit and cosmos: (295)
  • Foraging: Spirit is interwoven with earthbody. The very earth is our blood and bones and we are all sons and daughters of that earth. Spirit flows freely
  • Horticulture: Spirit demands sacrifice. Sacrifice is the great theme, not just in the concrete form of actual ritual sacrifice but the pervading notion is that certain specific human steps must be taken to come into accord with Spirit. Ordinary or typical humanity has to get out of the way—has to be sacrificed—in order for Spirit to shine forth more clearly. There are steps on the way to a more fully realized Spiritual awareness.
  • Agrarian: These spiritual steps are in fact arrayed in a Great Chain of Being. This is the central, dominant, inescapable theme of every mythic-agrarian society the world over with few exceptions. And since most of "civilized history" has been agrarian history, this is the dominant idea in most civilized culture. 
  • Modernity: The Great Chain unfolds in evolutionary time. Spirit was usually left out of the evolution equation is the disaster of modernity, not the dignity. Evolution is the one great background concept. 
  • Postmodernity: Nothing is pregiven; the world is not just a perception but also an interpretation. Spirit becomes self-conscious on the way to its own superconscious shock.
World Transformation and the Culture Gap

There is a major world transformation now in progress. Haltingly, jerkily, in fits and starts. We are right on the edge of one of the half-dozen or so major, profound, worldwide transformations in the formation of the human species. These are often simplified to three major transformations—farming, industry, information—so that today is the beginning of the "third wave." This transformation is being driven by a new techno-economic base (informational), but it also brings with it a new worldview, with a new mode of self and new intentional and behavioral patterns, set in a new cultural worldspace with new social institutions as anchors.  This is a very tall order. The emergent and transformative development brings new demands and new responsibilities: the higher must be integrated with the lower. Transcend and include.  (297)

One of the major problems is the gap between the rich and the poor. This is true. But this is merely quantified as a money gap. And as alarming as that exterior gap between individuals is, there is a more worrisome gapan interior gap, a culture gap, a gap in consciousness. The economic gap is bad enough but there is a much more crucial and much more hidden culture gap or values gap.  And there are more individuals who can be left behind, marginalized, excluded from their own intrinsic unfolding, disadvantaged in the cruelest way of all: in their own interior consciousness, value, and worth.

This massive problem of the culture gap cannot be solved in flatland terms because flatland denies the existence of interior transformation and transcendence altogether, denies the development of consciousness, which is truly part of a culture's human capital but not on the flatland ledgers. (299).

The culture gap problem is the same exact problem as the environmental crisis. 

Egocentric people couldn't care less about the global commons unless you scare them into seeing merely how it affects their own narcissistic existence, whereupon you have simply reinforced exactly the self-centric survival motives that are the cause of the problem. in the first place. You just reinforce all of that with ecological scare tactics. It is at a global, postconventional, worldcentric stance that individuals can recognize the global dimensions of the environmental crisis and, more important, possess the moral vision and moral fortitude to proceed on a global basis. Obviously, then, a significant number of individuals must reach this level of development in order to be a significant force in global care and ecological reform.  (300)

Axiology is a theory of values and there are four broad schools of environmental axiology: bioequality (all animals and living beings are equal), animal rights (rights are extended to animals based on sentience), hierarchical (more rights are afforded to more complex entities, but not to plunder other living beings), and stewardship (humans alone have rights, but this includes the care and stewardship for earth. Similarly, all things have Ground value: all are expressions of the Divine Absolute. And things have intrinsic value in itself as a whole (with more value the more consciousness it has) and extrinsic value (as a part of a whole, with a value for others). 

Responsibilities are simply a description of the conditions that any being must meet in order to be a part of the whole. If it doesn't meet those responsibilities then it cannot sustain its functional fit with the whole, so it is ejected or destroys the whole itself. If the responsibilities are not met, then it ceases to be a part of the whole. Responsibilities express the conditions necessary to sustain its partness, sustain its communion.  It's not that it would be nice if we met these responsibilities; it is a condition of existence.   (303). 

A pragmatic rule of thumb for environmental ethics is: in pursuit of our vital needs, consume or destroy as little as possible. Do the least amount of harm to consciousness as you possibly can. Put in its positive form: protect and promote as much as possible. Implement the Spiritual unfolding in as many beings as possible. 

A new form of society will have to evolve that integrates consciousness, culture, and nature, and thus finds room for art, morals, and science—for personal values, collective wisdom, and technical know-how. There is no way to do this without going beyond flatland, only rejecting flatland to arrive at an authentic environmental ethics and a council of all beings, coming to terms with the devastating culture gap, setting individuals free to unfold their own deepest possibilities in a culture of encouragement. 

The Ascending and Descending currents are brought into harmony and union so that both wisdom and compassion can join hands. All of the worlds beings are embraced with infinite love and compassion, and care and concern.  (308). 

An all-level, all-quadrant approach has immediate applications in business, education, medicine,health care, politics, cultural studies, psychology, human development—the list is truly endless. In medicine, for example, you can see that any effective care would have to take into account not just the objective medicine or physical treatment that you give the person (UR), but also the person's subjective beliefs and expectations (UL), the cultural attitudes, hopes, and fears and about sickness (LL), and the social institutions, economic factors, and access to health care (LR), all of which have a causal effect on the course of a person's illness. You can do the same analysis with law, education, business, politics, environmental ethics, schools of feminism, prison reform, philosophical systems, and so on. And this will pay off in the most concrete of ways. Any health care system that includes all of them will be more effective and therefore more cost efficient. Business will be more efficient and profitable, education will be more effective, politics will be more responsive, spirituality will be more transformative, and so on.

Source: Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything (2001).

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Selma Samadhi

Yesterday I did a sunrise yoga series, drove to Western Mass, hiked up Mt. Tom, watched the movie Selma about Dr. King, went out to Vietnamese restaurant for some curried vegetables and white tea, got some raw organic fruit and nuts, and discovered a handful of wonderful contacts in the area through Many Hands, a magazine for holistic health. 

While watching Selma, I experienced a powerful altered state of consciousness called samadhi, defined in the Yoga Sutras as a state where there no distinction between act of meditation and the object of meditation. My object of complete absorption and meditation was peace. I was peace.  I was a powerful vibration of peace thought-form. It's a state that transcends space and time, as if my energy was literally part of the historical event while also knowing that we are living in the 1,000 years of peace era now! I talk about and encourage this in the Peace Every Day meditation in Unity (p.597-604). I suggest achieving this through meditation, but even dancing, walking, or watching a movie such as Selma can invoke this thought-emotion-feeling-consciousness that connects us to the global consciousness.

I entered into peace samadhi when the Boston Pastor was reflecting on the power of Dr. King's actions on the bridge at Selma. He was talking about how Dr. King decided to turn the crowd around and was himself in a state of samadhi, channeling the Divine, and what psychologists call being "in the flow. (Unity, p.172). 

"King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up."

Veganism: The Continuation of the Civil Rights Movement

Selma is about one of the greatest demonstrations of protest and it lead to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The vegan movement now is about the expansion and continuation of the worldwide Civil Rights movement for equality before the law for non-human animals. 

Dr. King's Wife, Coretta Scott King and son Dexter promoted veganism because it was interconnected with nonviolence. The King family was inspired by Dick Gregory's Callus on My Soul:
"Under the leadership of Dr. King, I became totally committed to nonviolence, and I was convinced that nonviolence meant opposition to killing in any form.  I felt the commandment ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ applied to human beings not only in their dealings with each other—war, lynching, assassination, murder and the like—but in their practice of killing animals for food and sport.  Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and brutal taking of life.”
Other civil rights movement leaders also advocate for this expansion of rights and nonviolence:
“If I’m eating food I know was a creature in a cage, it brings up memories of segregation and the stories from my ancestors, of being in captivity and denied their personalities, their true beings. Animals were not made for us, or our use. They have their own use, which is just being who they are.” -Alice Walker, see also: Marjorie Spiegel, The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery (1997).
The other important point that the movie Selma makes is that Malcom X's violent radicalism was the altnerative to Dr. King's nonviolent protest. Malcom gave Martin room to make revolutionary demands. Many experts think that without Malcom, there'd be no Martin.
You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom. -Malcom X, see, Manning Marable, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (2011), winner of the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for History.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Vermont Trip Summary

First, a review of my big ideas:

1. Sue Big Ag. It's a $2 trillion legal case that can significantly empower decentralized local community food systems, schools, and food co-ops with significant resources—and create tens of millions of jobs; plus save the US taxpayers hundreds of billions per year, save millions of human lives, save billions of animal lives, and dramatically improve the environment from the number one polluter of land and water. The Economist magazine agrees it will be the largest lawsuit in history, the industry knows its vulnerable, and I'm psyched to make this happen!

2. Revitalize the Environment through Spiritual Geoengineering. This project can prevent the $70+ trillion catastrophic tipping points from overwhelming civilization. This is predicted by numerous experts to happen before 2030 but no one else has an adequate proposal or commensurate plan to deal with it. I'm psyched to get this going by networking with Awakened energy healers! Now that I've talked with five advanced practitioners about the details I'm very encouraged and confident about the viability of this proposal.

I'm about to leave Vermont after an amazing tour centered on Montpelier. While I was on a seven-day water fast I met about seven amazing people that have helped me tremendously and who are interested in collaborating:
Everyone I meet is creating transformational change themselves and are interested in my project. They're helping me with developing my ideas, plans, resources, and community connections. I'm being given connections to publishers for my book Unity and other media sources to reach more people. I even got three invitations to present at workshops and conferences that I hope to do when I return to Montpelier in a few months.

From the center of the most sustainable place in the US....
Onward to the Pioneer Valley in Western Mass!!!

 Unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration;
wonderful things can be achieved. 
-Mattie Stepanek

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Shamanism & Emptiness

My new big brother did a pineal gland (third eye) ceremony. He told me I was on the right path and gave me many encouraging words. I was staring at his third-eye and began to have an extraordinarily unusual visual experience. He became a blurred energy-being with high vibrations and evaporated into Emptiness. It was a more subtle Emptiness that I have experienced before. I was Simultaneously being grounded in both Emptiness and aware of my body (whereas before, my body also seemed to dissolve). This was a "peek" experience of a higher stage of samadhi-enlightenment, beyond the intense feeling and experience of bliss, joy and freedom—one of complete surrender, contentment, absorption, and awareness. I've only been in this particular state twice before.  I know that the fact that I have been fasting for seven days helped me to be blessed with this incredible experience. The goal for meditative adepts is to integrate and become grounded in this state moment by moment. I talk about the profound experience of "Emptiness" in my blog post on Integral Philosophy and Updates to Unity

I met this Native American Shaman in Montpelier who's also a Ninth Degree Druid and a Daoist—and a master gardener. He's calls himself "eclectic."

Shamanic perspectives are incredible. I talk a lot about Shamans in Unity (p.229-31, 436: see Index) because they have a very developed and evolved consciousness and ability to enter into advanced stages of altered states of consciousness, similar to energy healers and yogis, whether its journying, spirit talking, mediumship, channeling, and so on. 

After telling him about my project, in a very brief conversation, he mentioned numerous "far-out" issues of importance about sustainability: (1) integrating nuclear considerations into the sustainability maps; (2) predictions for future maps of the earth (see, futurist Michael David Scallion; Summary); (3) the Hopi prophecy for the Blue Star Kachina cataclysm; and (4) our relationship with interdimensional beings like the Arctarians.

A Fukushima Disaster Equivalent (NRDC)
See: "How Much of the US Will Be Habitable in 50 Years" (

But don't allow this to cause interference (inter-fear-ance) with your consciousness!

We also did a wonderful mantra-chant with the seed sylabols, El-Ka-Leem-Ohm (Earth, Fire/Spirit/Light, water; air/spacetime/Spirit) . (The purification of water is achieved by the application of Ka to purrify Leem.) 

Peace & Blessings