Sunday, January 18, 2015

Aquarius New Moon 2015

Researching Unity, I learned about profound ancient prophecies that we could be entering a Golden Age of Peace. (p.372-83, 585-87). We're living in extraordinary, transformational times.  I realized that astrological horoscopes and cosmic energies have real significance, even if I don't completely understand them yet.  Even if astrology was meaningless (and I'm now 98% sure it is meaningful), it provides real inspiration and real motivation to achieve our best. (Disclosure: I'm an Aquarius, but this post applies to everyone).

My dear friend, Reiki master, and Native American shaman just sent me a link to this horoscope:

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 8:13am EST, January 20 & February 18, 2015
The Sun enters Aquarius at 4:44 EST, on February 20, 2015.

As the Sun journeys through Capricorn, our consciousness turns toward our place in society.  What is our dharma? Our purpose? What life-enhancing talent can we bring to our society? This question is especially important this decade or so because Pluto, the energy of death and rebirth, is in Capricorn, the sign of our collective social structures. Plato's regenerative energy brings up what is dead to destroy its roots, like the corruption in our economic and political systems. The breakdown first occurred as Pluto traveled through the first ten degrees of Capricorn from 2008 to 2013. Now that Pluto is moving through the ten middle degrees of Capricorn from 2014-2018, it has a more earthy Taurean expression, which wants to build something. Pluto will travel through the Virgo-like last ten degrees of Capricorn from 2019--2024, when we can integrate the new vision with what is still viable from the old.

It's now time to start building the new, even if the uprooting is still going on. Once we let the old field die out, it becomes a field of potential, a field of the possible society. If there was ever a time in Earth's history that 'ordinary' people have to step forward and be counted, it is now. It's time for conscious evolution. This is where Uranus in Aries comes in, because in fact none of us are ordinary. We've forgotten that we each have special talents to share because our society insists that only money and power and certain talents make it so. Uranus in Aries awakens us to our archetypal identity and the knowledge that helps us Be extraordinary.

These planets are challenging each other and us, forcing us to choose our path at this cosmic crossroads. Pluto is here to demolish what is corrupt in our society, what no longer serves the common good. Uranus challenges us to step up and not let the old power structure re-assert its domination as things fall apart. It's our challenge to take the initiative and plant our purpose in that new field. It's time to awaken our courage, the leadership, the pioneering spirit that marks conscious Aries energy. The world needs new vision, new ideas, new understanding and a new foundation.

As patriarchy and corporate capitalism die--and they will die, we are just seeing their death tremors--it is our new vision that has to take hold for our future society. Otherwise, we will end up being ruled by the zombie elite! In less than two months, the seventh and final square between Pluto and Uranus will occur. The cosmos is energizing evolution. Will you learn to channel the energies or let them overwhelm you? As Stephanie Austin mentions in her article in the Mountain Astrologer (Dec/Jan 2015, p. 103): "this particular alignment of Uranus, the South Node, and Pluto in Aries and Capricorn has not happened in more than 2,600 years." Don't miss out on being part of this amazing revolution.


When the Sun moves into Aquarius, there's a completely different feeling in the air. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign--it's all about the structuring of society. Aquarius' archetypal consciousness focuses on ideals, community, freedom, innovation, rebellion and the future. Aquarius is an air sign, good at transmitting ideas and opportunities through social exchanges and technology. This is a mind-to-mind sort of sign, a sign of community, whether you're discussing ideas with friends and colleagues or posting them on FaceBook.

Aquarius' fixed air wants to talk about the future possibilities for our society. Aquarius is the Rebel, the Free-Thinker, the Genius, the Idealist, the Scientist. Its gift is Freedom and Truth. The freedom to think what we want to think and be who we are while at the same time giving everyone else those freedoms too. The constellation of Aquarius is called the Water Bearer and it resides in a part of the sky that contains a great celestial sea. Usually imagined as a man holding an urn and pouring water into the mouths of fishes, Aquarius symbolizes the starry archetypal laws of the cosmos that are poured out into the collective unconscious or World Soul. The Sun in Aquarius can focus our attention on our new vision. Create out of and for your new vision and all will be well.

Aquarius New Moon, February 20, 2015 

As with the past 4 New Moons, this New Moon occurs hours after the Sun enters its new sign. The cosmic message keeps repeating: something new is being born. But this will be the last New Moon that occurs before its corresponding Full Moon. There will be a 2nd Aquarius New Moon on February 18, just 3 minutes before the Sun enters Pisces. There is a lunar cycle shift occurring, and for the next year and a half, [until the Blue Moon (two full moons in the same sign) in June 2016], the Full Moon will come before its New Moon. This is the last New Moon in synch with the straightforward lunar cycle.

The cosmology symbols the bringing in a new vision of civilization, one that is intimately bound to the Earth and the heavens, where natural law and spiritual law are one. . . . We are cautioned to watch what we think and say. Do we do this out of fear of retribution in the outer world, or can we choose to find words that are healing as well as truthful? While the Sun travels through Aquarius, watch how your mind works and check in with your heart before communicating your ideas to the group. . . . On one level, we might see the people in power take a stand to protect themselves and their wealth and power. Personally, this image speaks to self-protection and our need to safeguard our rights in these complex times. Don't forget to pray and enlist spiritual protection as you step into your destiny and purpose. . . . There's potential for an unexpected crisis and speaks to the need to develop inner security so we can meet any crisis. Knowing you have the ability to meet the crisis is an important first step. Ask for spiritual protection and help!

The cosmic alignments and the people who can read them are sending us signals to be spiritual warriors! May you walk in the Light. 

Source: Cathy Lynn Pagano, The Cosmic Story: Aquarius New Moon 2015, author of a new book, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World", 

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