Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Earth Chronicles

  • We're on the brink of a giant leap in civilization and evolution.  Consciousness and spirit play a vital role.
  • Major solar outbursts could easily end industrial civilization. Soon. Prepare for it.
  • Stone megaliths over quartz crystal faults cause powerful higher states of consciousness.
  • Time involves a cyclical repetition.
  • Currently, humanity is ignorant and confused and with a collective worldview, psyche, beliefs, customs, assumptions, and biases that that prevent us from understanding the ultimate nature of reality.
  • Open your mind to evolve and become one with the Great Universal Spirit. 
  • Connect with the multidimensional and quantum omniverse through telepathy.  
  • Gods come to the Earth when they're needed. 

Forgotten Civilizations (Schoch, 2012)

There are times in history when humanity seems to make a leap forward in an extraordinary evolution. There's a miracle of philosophy, science, art, poetry, technology, spiritual enlightenment, and organization—an outpouring of energy, an intensification of existence. Such periods include 10,000 CE, the earliest flowering of civilizations alluded to in sacred scriptures as the Garden of Eden, a Golden Age, and Plato's Atlantis. Another such time was 3,000 BC, and another around the year 1,100 BC. 

...Is there any truth to the legends of mana (supernormal power)? There's evidence that the Easter Island moai (statues) were moved by psychokinesis. Easter Island was a world unto itself, isolated by many thousands of kilometers and many centuries. This may have formed the perfect psychokinesis laboratory. The inhabitants developed their own collective psyche and worldview, the ability to manipulate the holographic screen and thus accomplish psychokinetic feats. The entire island, involved in a giant seance, may have resulted in a phenomena well beyond the possibilities that most people even entertain in our modern, Western-based culture. Their reality was so different, it is extremely difficult to fully grasp. In trying to comprehend these lost worlds, we open up new possibilities and to expose the assumptions, beliefs, and biases that prevent us from truly understanding the ultimate nature of reality. I can think of nothing that is more profound and worthwhile. (295). 

Ultimately, there is very strong evidence of a catastrophic event of an extraterrestrial nature occuring around 10,900 BCE and 9700 BCE, the beginning and end of the Younger Dryas. The evidence strongly suggests a major solar outburst and plasma event at 9700 BCE and an exploding comet, a solar outburst and plasma event, a galactic superwave, or some other catastrophic event around 10,900 BCE. The solar outburst causes a warming of the atmosphere with a tremendous blast of energy, greatly exceeding any solar outburst seen in modern times. It ionizes the atmosphere and causes increased cloud cover, which in turn initiates a major cooling spell. Such events could be correlated where the Sun is hit with "space debris" resulting in solar destablization and increased solar activity, and some of the debris also hits Earth directly as a comet or meteorite. (p.299).

...Solar outbursts could have melted glaciers, evaporated tremendous amounts of water, and warmed the climate. To escape the terror, the few survivors may have been forced to seek shelter underground and in caves. Only megalithic rock structures could withstand the onslaught.  (See the Megaliths, Stone Chambers, and caves in New England).   (253) Bathed in steam, the atmosphere would precipitate tremendous rains. This, combined with the melting of the glaciers, would have created huge floods. Deluges are a part of universal myths and legend among virtually every ancient culture around the world.

For the past 10,000 years our Sun has been relatively quiescent, but it is now entering an active period once again, the likes of which have not been seen since the end of the last ice age. We need to understand this in order to assess the future realistically. Civilization was dealt a mighty setback around 9700 BCE, one that lasted thousands of years. Should events of the past recur, as the study of geology teaches they do, we would do well to collectively prepare. (254)

A major solar outburst or other natural catastrophe may soon bring about the "end of the world," or at a minimum the end of modern civilization and technological societies as we know them.  The defenders of the status quo will probably never change their views, never give up their most cherished paradigms, and this is a primary message. Look at the evidence and follow it to a logical conclusion, even if those conclusions are not in agreement with mainstream views. (252)

I believe we are at the beginning of a new cycle; major changes are on the horizon. The ramifications and reverberations of the coming changes could be much more extensive than most people want to imagine. It is imperative to acknowledge that our planet and all of life on it, including humanity, are much more intimately connected to, and affected by, the cosmos than most people realize. We do not live in isolation. The coming changes could hit hard, impacting our way of life and threatening our very existence. As the cracks in conventional mainstream thinking widen to form chasms, a new paradigm is emerging of interconnectedness, cooperation, transcendence, and where consciousness and spirit play a vital role. Now is the time for a realistic assessment stripped of ideological blinders, of our past, our potential future, and our place in the grand scheme of things. 

Before Atlantis (Joseph, 2013).
20 Million Years of Human and Pre-Human Cultures

We need to make sense of the social, economic, and environmental deterioration developing around us. The energies that molded civilization and our very bodies and brains are not properly understood. The outline of those critical energies is beginning to emerge. 

An ultimate secret locked in the immense monoliths in Indonesia and the Central Pacific, is revealed by examining the altered states of consciousness generated by these powerful monuments. We learn the identity of the Garden of Eden and a civilization with a godlike destiny, not a failed primate doomed to self-destruction. 
A likely impossibility is always preferable to an unconvincing possibility. - Aristotle
In a controlled experiment, with hands six inches above a crystal connected to a molecular resonance meter to detect changes, the meter registers a powerful reaction when one visualizes healing energy streaming from his hands into the crystal. As soon as the visualizations are suspended, the readings immediately fall back to normal. These tests demonstrate crystal's sensitivity to external energies, even individual human energies. (218)

Stone Megaliths are positioned over quartz crystal faults and concentrations of seismic energy that combine to produce clouds of negative ions that evoke spiritual euphoria. Quartz crystals react to external pressures by accumulating electrical charges, releasing massive concentrations of energy of negative ions into the atmosphere. This air ionization or ion therapy induces a surge of spiritual intensity. People claim to undergo a broad variety of psychic phenomena, such as their conscious mind separating from its physical body; live encounters with deceased relatives, friends or pets; meeting a Christ-like figure; hovering high above the Earth or some other world; transcending space and time; receiving advanced knowledge about healing; visiting celestial parks and libraries; seeing past and future lives; or being bathed in a the clear light of a cosmic love.  These visions are not confined to religious persons but equally shared with people indifferent to metaphysical questions, even hardcore atheists. People's convictions or lack thereof could not be isolated as a determining factor.  (216).

The negative ion therapy stimulates the brain's hippocampi, important for memory, spatial navigation, motivation, and emotions. The hippocampi, part of the limbic system that surrounds the brain stem, floods the entire neurological system with otherworldly sensations and imagery. A high, sustained concentration of negative ions, such as those generated by quartz-veined standing stones, are capable of eliciting such a response. It would seem that our megalith-building ancestors understood this correlation between crystalline rock and seismic activity to produce a piezoelectric effect on human consciousness. (219).
The 12th Planet (Sitchin, 1976, Book 1) 
Ancient tales and even recorded history recall the ceaseless efforts of men to "reach the land," find the "Planet of Life," gain eternal bliss among the Gods of Heaven and Earth. This yearning is central to all the religions, the hope that justice and righteousness pursued on Earth will be followed by an "afterlife" in some Heavenly Divine Abode.

The Wars of Gods and Men (Sitchin, 1985, Book III)
Antagonism, rivalry, and ambition gets out of hand and leads to war, calamity, and the collapse of civilization. 

Divine Encounters are the ultimate human experience—the maximal, the utmost possible when alive, a drama expressed in prophecies and visions, in dreams, omens, oracles, and revelations. It's a story of Man, separated from his Creator, seeking to restore a primeval umbilical cord and, by so doing, reach for the stars. 

Science and Religion, Physics and Metaphysics, converge into one single answer that conforms to the credo: "I am Yahweh, there is none beside me!" It is a credo that carried the Prophets, and us with them, from the arena of gods to the God who embraces the universe. In the Book of Revelation ("The Apocalypse of St. John" in the New Testament), God announces thus: "I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

The End of Days (Sitchin, 2008, Book VII)
When will the Anunnaki gods  return? And what will the Return bring? Will it be benevolent or, as with the Deluge, bring about the End? Will it be a new Beginning, or perhaps a catastrophic Apocalypse, the Ultimate End, Armageddon? It is the last possibility that shift the prophecy from the realm of theology or mere curiosity to a matter of Mankind's very survival, for Armageddon is the name of a specific place (Israel) that is subjected to threats of nuclear annihilation. Mankind's fears were expressed in the Dead Sea scrolls, describing a great and final War. Now a nuclear threat hangs over the very same historical place. It's a chilling realization that Ezekiel's list of the nations that will engage in the final war—Armageddon—actually begins with Persia (Iran), whose leaders seek to "wipe off the face of the Earth" the people who dwell in Israel. Does the accuracy of such details in Prophecy point to our time?

Prophecies are not a linear timeline but a cyclical repetition of events because history moves in a circle, where the start point is the end point, and vice versa. Inherent in this cyclical history is the concept of God as an everlasting divine entity and the basis for prophecy is that the End is anchored in the Beginning, and that the Future can be predicted because the Past was known.  Prophets are the ones "who from the Beginning tells the End," (Isaiah 46:10), and can foresee plans for the future in terms of the Past (Zechariah (1:4, 7:7, 7:12), and tell us how "the future shall be like the past." (Psalms, Proverbs, and Book of Job). ... Directly relevant is Moses' statement in Psalm 90:4, "a thousand years, in thy eyes, are but as one day that has passed." (For those looking for formulas, this is interpreted literally to mean that a divine day lasts a thousand years and so in Genesis, when God took six days, the result is a duration of 6,000 years from Beginning to End, and that the End Days will occur in 2240 AD., but this is linear and not cyclical called for by the prophecies.) The Anunnaki could come and go, not limited to a single short "window." 

Slave Species of the Gods (Tellinger, 2012)
The Secret History of the Anunnaki and their Mission on Earth

Do the Anunnaki play any part in the confused state of mind of the modern humans?  ...The gods did not want us to know the terrible truth behind the manipulation of humanity, and how we were controlled with fear, violence, retiribution, and reward. This is the story of the entire Old Testiment. Stop the fear, see the light of the real God, the God of Love, the God of the universe, the universal Spirit, the Supreme Being. It's a most liberating experience. We can evolve toward a complete being that will open the portals of our mind and allow us to rejoin the universal community of beings.  (406).

Our genome has been tampered with, resulting in the removal or shutting down of most of them (97%), leaving behind an unintelligent, primitive, and subservient creature.

The human race is gullible and ignorant. We can witness the willingness of humans to follow a brutal dictator in huge numbers, completely oblivious of their own state of ignorance. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are just the obvious examples. Bush is a more recent example, of how people will follow a leader whom they believe will protect them and make them stronger than their enemies. 

We have reached a very disparate level of development on this planet. Some cultures are trapped in customs thousands of years old while others are cloning new life. We're in a state of cultural and religious confusion.

If we allow our minds to be opened we can only grow as a species, allowing us to evolve faster, both physically and spiritually. Because only then will we be able to join the universal community of beings, becoming one with the Great Universal Spirit, the creator of the universe and all things in it. I believe that we are on the cusp of achieving this giant evolutionary step, but it is up to us as a species to see it through to its conclusion. And on our path of evolution and enlightenment, we must at all times remind ourselves that while we are in this primitive state of mind, things are not always what they seem.  (544)

The E.T. Chronicles (Louise, Laliberte, 2014).
What Myths and Legends Tell us about Human Origins

Most ancient records have lots of information from the last 5,000 years of patriarchy. Then, further back, to around 12,000 years ago, we find less clear data. For example, great floods and Earth changes were ubiquitous. Then, before 12,000 years ago, some legends describe a golden world of peace living . Archeological remnants from 100,000 to 12,000 years ago are mysterious and controversial. Anyone seeking truth about the deep past eventually wonders if an advanced global civilization ruled the seas. Truthfully, nothing way back in time makes any sense without it. Our ancestors must have developed harmonic energy systems.

Cosmic and multidimensional intelligence are waking up, as reported in The Dimensional Eclogy of the Omniverse (2014), and The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions (2010). We are in contact with the fully inhabited omniverse that connects with us by telepathy and teleportation in the quantum dimension of our world. Our consciousness is enlivening the quantum, which opens our minds to higher dimensions. Dimensionality is the key design criteria, disctrete bands of conscious energy by which intelligence organizes itself. . . . The legends suggest the gods come to Earth when needed, and in the past have said we should worship them. 

The folklore, legends, and traditions are not stories about the gods, but instead the god's stories about their lives, their exploits, and themselves. The more we dig the more we find ourselves forced to envision a new reality.

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