Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Change the World

How to Change the World

We too easily dismiss our power to take control of our own destiny. Self-disempowerment plays the biggest role in how difficult we make change. We can allow ourselves to think beyond all of the concepts and belief systems that have shaped our world thus far.  While we were busy sleeping our way through this scripted lifestyle, we did not reflect much on our purpose for being on this planet. We did not stop to question who we are. We were so busy identifying with our jobs, possessions, revenues, roles and traditional beliefs. The reality we have experienced is the result of indoctrination.

We can overcome issues of money, hierarchy/authority, ownership, scarcity, standardized education, the need to "earn a living" ("earning" our right to be alive), and the environmental crisis. 

Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind. -Plato

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. -Einstein

Do you remember how electrical currents and "unseen waves" were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy. -Einstein
What we have called matter is energy (light), whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. -Einstein
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. -Nikola Tesla
Reality Beyond the Brain

Reality is quite different from the images filtered by the brain. Set aside the scientific ego and open your mind. The fundamental construct of reality is different than our mind's perception of what is "out there." What we perceive "out there" is our brain's interpretation of electrical signals derived from light. What we see as visible light (energy) is an infinitesimal part of the vast range of light frequencies.

There are no definitive breaks or boundaries when it comes to light, only a continuous range of energy. What is "out there" is unlike the coherent and conceivable world we experience through our senses. We live in an ocean of light and our brains can only convert a small fraction of those frequencies into what we call our visible "reality."The brain decodes electrical signals into our five senses. Atoms are 99.99999% empty space: they are truly "waves" or clouds of potential existence. And the very presence of a conscious mind observing and intending to define or measure a particle/wave consequently determines the properties and location in which it takes form. This makes objective measurement impossible, known as "the measurement problem." The very act of observation changes the object. An observer's consciousness defines the potential: we create reality. 

What does it mean? The universe is conscious and intelligent because its source is consciousness. Light is consciousness. Consciousness is the force that projects this entire reality.  In physics, this is called the "Unified Field."  The Unified Field is pure abstract potential, being, and self-aware consciousness which rises in waves of vibrations to give rise to particles, people, and everything in the vast universe. We are all part of this consciousness similar to how cells make up a whole body. We are the life-force of the universe embodied. We are all one. 
Any exchange of energy between any two atoms in the universe involves the exchange of photons. Every interaction in the material world is mediated by light. Light penetrates and interconnects the entire cosmos. Although all we ever see is light, paradoxically, we never know light directly. The light that strikes the eye is known only through the energy it releases. This energy is translated into a visual image in the mind, and that image seems to be composed of light, but that light is a quality of mind. We never know the light itself. -Peter Russell 
 Uniting Science & Spirituality
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. -Carl Sagan
Atheists say we should only acknowledge whatever measuring devices or material evidence can quantify. The religious maintain the illusion of separation between man and Spirit/God. Both refuse to acknowledge any piece of information that challenges their doctrine (dogma) or worldview. Once we set aside our egos and the desire to prove ourselves "right" and others "wrong." 

Light photons/waves and light-consciousness permeate everything in existence. Science shows how light is the source of everything we experience and spirituality shows how consciousness is the source of everything we experience. The unity of science and religion is that light is consciousness and consciousness is light. We are light. We are consciousness. We are one. There is no separate "God," nor is there an absence of divinity. Every human, animal, plant, and rock is an expression of the same Spirit, of the same light, the same consciousness.
Simple people imagine that they should see God as if he stood there and they here. This is not so. The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me. My eye and God's eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love. -Meister Eckhart
The terms God, Spirit, Source, consciousness, light, and the universe are all terms often used to describe the source of life, but cause confusion and dogmatic connotation.
Collective Consciousness
The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness, and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it. -Rosemary Fillmore Rhea
In understanding our oneness we become aware of our true power to create change. Our energies altogether create a collective consciousness which is what projects our reality. If we are collectively caught up in separation, hate, judgment, fear, competition, and survival, our world reflects that energy. Our beliefs and perceptions literally shape the world we experience. As more of us raise our consciousness beyond this illusion our actions will reflect greater wisdom and potential and our higher vibration will elevate the collective consciousness and stimulate change

Our bodies are avatars or vehicles in which consciousness experiences this "light show." 
Knowing that I am different from the body, I need not neglect the body. It is a vehicle that I use to transact with the world. It is the temple which houses the Pure Self within. -Adi Sankaracharya
You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself. -Alan Watts
The cosmos is within us. We are made of stardust. We are a way for the universe to know itself. -Carl Sagan
Enlightenment means waking up to what you truly are and then being that. -Adyashanti 

Spirit takes on a temporary veil, covering the memory of its origin. That way, Spirit can experience life with a fresh pair of eyes and rediscover itself anew. Spirit experiences itself through many different journeys and perspectives. Emptiness, pure formless consciousness, is not identified as a particular thing; it's nothing. It's a field of infinite potentiality, ready to be creative. Despite Spirit's inherent oneness, every manifestation and experience is different and everyone represents a unique potentiality of Spirit and will experience reality differently.  

Spirit is an artist. It's painting characters and experiences and scenery, becoming engaged with its creation, and forgetting it is in fact the source of it. It's a beautiful cosmic game. There's an opportunity to rediscover ourself throughout our journey. Our purpose is to play, learn, and rediscover who we are in the process. When we fully recall our true essence of Spirit, we're called "Enlightened."  It involves embracing the beautiful lessons and expansions of awareness that results from experiencing life. Much how a painter expands their talent the more they paint, Spirit expands in knowledge and creativity the more it experiences.

The Enlightenment Process

Enlightenment is a gradual process, with layers of "illusions" of beliefs, perceptions and identity (ego) that enable us to "forget" our True Self of infinite potential. Notice how people go through experiences that challenge their beliefs and mental limitations they're attached to. Emotional baggage, fears, traumas, and sensitivities must be transcended. Our experiences enable us to learn and uncover our true nature.  People who overcome a fear report how they then feel lighter, more peaceful, less limited. This is a greater freedom and potential of their true essence. They have lifted a veil and now radiate more light, more Spirit, more consciousness without limiting beliefs. and perceptions.

In our lives, there seems to be two different versions of reality. One is the surface reality where you think you're the main character in the movie of your life where you make choices and advance your storyline. Deeper than this is a Spiritual reality. This reality remains peaceful and views the characters on the surface reality as messengers delivering wisdom so the character can learn. It is from the Spiritual reality where we can deliver wisdom to one another and reap the rewards by becoming more conscious. -Matt Kahn
Many spiritual people hit at Enlightenment and say its a rare accomplishment. Those who seek Enlightenment, ironically, believe they must become something else than who they truly are, when it's quite the opposite. Enlightenment is not about becoming better or more worthy, it's simply about "unlearning" illusory perception until we're left with the truth of our being. We are already "it." 

The word Enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially You and yet is much greater than you. It is finding Your True Nature beyond name and form. -Eckhart Tolle
We have created the illusion of separation in order that we may experience the reality of Oneness. Only when we are outside the reality can we experience it. It is our wish to know ourselves as who we really are. Thus, we must first create the experience of who we are not. -Neale Donald Walsch
Why would Spirit choose to experience all the war, suffering, pollution, poverty, and corruption? Maybe we as Spirit wanted to see how far the illusion of separation could go. We wanted to feel what it's like to believe ourselves to be totally separate from one another and our environment.. We are here to create experiences and learn from experiences and Enlighten. The intent of Spirit is to expand in awareness and creativity through all potentials. There is no "wrong" way, only the opportunity to grow and rediscover ourSelves through unique paths. The question is: What can we learn from this?

The separateness, chaos, and disharmony offeres the opportunity to learn powerful lessons. We have the opportunity to learn how to reclaim our true power thanks to this challenge. We have the chance to grasp just how bright and powerful our light can be now that we're experiencing such a dim light and divided self. The illusion of separation enables Spirit to undergo awakening to its true potential and oneness. Our realization is powerful coming from an experience of such disconnect.


We need to gain a neutral, higher perspective of the situation and our actions will reflect greater wisdom and understanding. The world is a reflection of our collective consciousness. If we want a world of peace, harmony, and environmental healing then we must align our consciousness with that energy. We do so not by forcing it to happen, but by letting go of all barriers, belief systems, and baggage that come in the way of us embodying our true nature. 

Stop reacting, start creating. Creativity is never about reacting but creating. Creative inspiration is paired with a quiet and peaceful mind. It is out of creativity that valuable ideas and inventions emerge (never out of blame and anger). There is tremendous potential in humanity coming together. Spreading awareness about existing alternatives, creating new ones, and uniting our potential to make them happen. The "system" is in power as long as people are too distracted to realize their own.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller
Blame and judgment serve no purpose. We're heavily programmed with the mentality of separation and personal gain. Elites may be everything our ego loves to hate. Yet the truth is "they" are not separate from us. Even if their mental construct is heavily programmed with ill intentions, their souls are aware of a deeper truth and they play the perfect role for us to grow up and realize our power.  The powers that be reflect our own belief that we are separate and powerless. They reflect our own ego. When we realize our true power, they lose power because we no longer fuel them with our own.

An empowering lesson is to stop blaming and instead thank the roles being played. They are pushing us to realize just how powerless and divided we have perceived ourselves to be so that we can make a transformational shift. Without the role of the oppressor, we would not learn to shift our consciousness from victimization and disempowerment to co-creation and self-empowerment. No one else can do this for us. It is our own learning.
First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and then stop finding fault with the reflection. -Nisargadatta
A single candle can brighten a dark room. On an energetic level, a higher consciousness is many times more powerful than the dormant state we have been in. One source of light automatically charges up all surrounding atoms which brightens the entire room. Darkness, which is a low frequency of light, is not more powerful than us: We enable darkness to prevail as we consciously or unconsciously dim our own light (disempower ourselves). An encouraging lesson is the realization that even a small percentage of humanity taking the blinders off creates a huge ripple effect in the world. The more of us who "light up our candle" by elevating our consciousness, the more it spreads out an energy that supports transformational social change. We are all one. A change in one is a change in all.

End Note
We are the ones calling this forward. We are the ones who have asked for this. We are the ones who are making this change ourselves, within ourselves. -Alex Collier
The nature of the cosmos is such that whatever vision you have about yourself and the world will become reality. -Alberto Villodo

A world of peace, love and harmony already exists within each and everyone of us. If we can imagine it, feel it and resonate with it, it means the potential is imminent within every atom of our being. It already exists in the field of endless possibilities we are all made of. Therefore, a peaceful and loving world is not something you reach out for or create outside of you. It is something you bring out from within. For this reason, the most important contribution we could do for the world right now, is to go within. It is within that our true essence dwells. The source of infinite potential, love, peace, and creativity that all the ancient mystics and modern physicists have been speaking of. 

Our task is not to ask ourselves whether or not a world of peace and freedom is possible, but to look for all the barriers within ourselves that we have build against our true essence—which is of peace and freedom. Experience and understand this reality for the power to awaken from the dream of separation. 

It is time we see our path for what it is: a learning journey. It does not mean we should all be Enlightened tomorrow. We need to let go of what no longer serves us. What do we fear? What are we not at peace with? How do we separate ourselves from others and the world? Do we judge ourselves? Do we judge others? Why? Do we fear what other people think? What are we afraid to feel? What is blocking from us loving ourselves and others unconditionally?  See the patterns of behavior and struggles and inner dialogues. Get to the root of the fears and discomforts from an observer's perspective, the Spirit's perspective, and realize that fears are not based in truth. They are perceptions and beliefs that we are now ready to transcend.
In observing oneself, self-observation itself brings about certain changes in the inner processes. Self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening. -G.I. Gurfjieff
World change may sound like a mission going on outside of us, but it is very much an inside job. The less at war we are with ourselves the more empowered we are to choose differently. In this state we begin attracting opportunities to unite with other souls who are ready to live differently. When we shift, our reality shifts. This is true on an individual and collective level. 

Change is already underway. There are many movements happening all over the world in which people are coming together to opt out of the system and live sustainably. Not to mention worldwide protests. Change is reflecting in the physcial world and the universe. Cosmic energies, solar flares, and planetary alignments are all assisting in raising the collective consciousness of humanity. 

It is up to use to choose which wave we will ride on. 
The wave of transformational change is growing.

Source: How to Change the World by Elina Stonge

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