Thursday, February 12, 2015

Weather Shamanism

It shows how "we are weather and weather is us." It's an invitation to those who are curious, who sincerely with to safeguard the viability of the planet. It's a calling to enter into the enlivened worldview. It introduces weather dancing and the "miracles" of weather working, which is the unfolding relationship with your Self and soul, in partnership with helpful spirits. It's capable of inspiring profound change. Through your spiritual growth and empowerment, you will be able to offer deep healings for our troubled ecosystems and human communities. The primary aim is to relate the elements of weather as living beings worthy of our attention and respect, and to inspire the weather shamanism journey. As a weather shaman, you must actively practice these teachings in daily life. It's not that hard, rare, or unlikely. It's an available and accessible path.

Super-storms threaten the stability of society and extreme dependency on fossil fuels exacerbates the problem. We need to re-evaluate coastal and river living patterns, floods, droughts, and storm severity. Mass extinctions, arctic ice loss... Recognizing the existence of spirits in weather is an essential step to re-establish awareness and active relationships with these spirits and all the other spirits with whom we share this world. 

This isn't about how to control the weather. It's about changing ourselves. It's about raising our consciousness to a level that allows us to act as if we know all things are connected. What's barely known and remembered today is that as individuals and communities, we can and do collectively exert a real effect on the weather by our psyches and emotions and by our sense of (dis)connectedness from the natural world. The greatest and most important chane is of a broader worldview of our relationship with Nature, a partnership fostering an alive and vital Earth. When we live in harmony with Earth, the rain will fall where it is needed and the sun will shine on a beautiful and viable world. 

The spirits of the weather want us to work with them. They want us to take an active and conscious role in the healthy functioning of the planet. If they see we're interested, they might teach us how to live in harmony with each other and all of Nature. From this comes true healing, for ourselves and all ecosystems on the planet. 

Shamanism brings forth wisdom and relief of undue suffering that our world now needs. Through the practice of weather shamanism, we can tap in to the incredible potential that awaits us all for creating an restoring balance and well-being to our lives and the world. As weather shamans we can harmonize our connections with the elements, bridging earth and sky for love of the world. This path is infinitely wonderous. It can be yours too.

See also: The University of Alternative Studies
Manual of Atmokinesis: Applications, Experimentation, and Measurement
Atmokinesis Course, Atmokinesis Degree,
Free Parapsychology Publications & Groups

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