Sunday, February 15, 2015

Accelerate Your Life Purpose

The following is my summary of Mark Divine's The Way of the Seal: Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed (2013). This is the platform and foundation for the 12-day SEAL-Fit Academy Course ($7,200). These are exercises for defining your mission (life goals), targets (sub-goals), planning, visualizations, and developing mental toughness.

With exercises, meditation, and focusing techniques to train our mind for intuition, we can reaffirm our ultimate purpose, define our most important goals, and take steps to make it happen. Make a commitment to personal excellence. Simplify and clarify life to drive forward with purpose, mission, focus, and values. Be a leader who is authentic, respected, trustworthy, and persuasive. Transformation doesn't come overnight, though you start to notice changes in how you feel and respond to things as soon as you begin working on these principles. The key to extraordinary results is to replace old habits with one ones—thinking, acting, and believing. Achieve a new career, diet, fitness, home life or marriage.  Operate daily at the highest levels of performance. Be a Spartan: train harder, work smarter, and be courageous for inner and outer victory. For leadership and excellence, embrace the core values of honor, courage, and commitment to self-mastery. 

If you're looking for a big opportunity, seek out a big problem. 

Five Mountains: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitional, Spiritual.

The world needs leaders who will stand up and step out. Risk more to enforce integrity at the self, team, and organizational levels—the "three spheres" approach—plus in our skills, tactics, and strategies. 

Think like an elite warrior to lead and succeed. Warriors have the courage to step up and do the right thing while serving one's family, community, and humanity. Establish a deep sense of values and purpose and goals. Have focus, discipline, patience, and humility. Make a stand, find a purpose, and embrace risk, loss and failure.  The US Navy SEALs values are loyalty, honor, leadership, responsibility, discipline, innovation, and daily excellence. 
Purpose: "Why am I here?"
Stand: "If I had one year to live..."
Values: "What do I want more of in my life?"
Passion: "Who am I at my deepest level?"
Discover your passion: Fantasize. Put energy toward it! Make a commitment to start or deepen in activities for success and significance. What books, movies, art, or music gets you pumped? Who inspires you and why? What characteristics make you feel great about yourself? What activities would you do if you had more time and no barriers? What's meaningful about these activities? What benefit would the activities provide? Could you change the world by focusing more on this? What would it take to step into the arena for just one of these activities? Uncover your purpose in life for self-actualization, flow, and to be a channel for truth, wisdom, love, and peace. Visualize yourself in your ideal state, powerful, living in alignment with your purpose. Visualize yourself one year out. Three years out. Collapse these visions into the present moment. See yourself now as that person as if you have already accomplished your goals. Own it. Breathe into the vision. Impring your subconscious and vibrate the energy to attract the circumstances.

Develop focus, single-mindedness, and awareness. Identify a goal and achieve it. Tick off targets with focus. Avoid distraction. Success will skyrocket. 

Four-Prong Approach
  1. Prepare your mind with sacred silence. Align with your unique purpose in life. 
  2. Envision your goal: use mental projections and daily visualizations: seeing, believing, and making it happen. Create vivid images of what success looks like.  Fantasize with purpose: see it. Focus on defining the end goal. Imagine it as if it's already achieved (grounded with real photos and experiences). Practice it: play it out daily, with belief, expectation, intense desire to bring it to life. Prepare the mind.
  3. Define your mission: What's your Life's Purpose? Plan. Focus. For clarity, ask "Why am I doing this? Is there a higher priority? Who else is involved in this project? What is expected of me and any others who may be involved? How and when can I count on them to fulfill their commitments? What other sub-tasks are required before I can fulfill what's expected of me?
  4. Simplify the battlefield. Eliminate distractions. See the elegant solution. Know your unique offer as an individual to identify what you must do and what you can delegate to others. Declutter your internal and external environments. See simple solutions easily. Use the 80/20 Principle to identify and prioritize the 20% for the most productive actions. 
Define the mission, implicit expectations, team, and high value targets.  Plan. Refine the execution strategy. Explore options. Communicate the vision to others. Drive the mission. 

SEALs Analytical Tools
  • SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. 
  • SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. (for evaluating a mission).
  • FITS: Fit, Important, Timing, Simple: (Fit your skill and team; Important to successful mission; Timing optimal for this target; simple and clear—to identify the best targets for the mission: score 1-5 for each target, add and compare.) 
  • PROP: Priorities, Realities, Options, Path (Select high value targets to explore options.)
  • SMACC: Situation, Mission, Action, Command, Communication (Create a visual story to see roles clearly, what happens when things go wrong, to brief the team's mission, to make it real.) 
  • OODA: observe, orient, decide, act. (for rapid planning and quick decisions: Observe your position relative to the competition—the big picture; Orient yourself to the new reality you've observed, analyze, get information: goals? create value?; Decide on an action: a campaign emphasizing quality; Act and seek instant feedback from thought leaders.)
  • KISS: Keep It Simple. (Every day, move toward your goals, super-focused on the top three things connected to your passion, purpose, and mission. Alight your thoughts and actions, get victories, and simplify efforts.)
Do today what others won't. Find your 20X factor. Embrace the suck. Build discipline, drive, and determination. Seriously challenge yourself—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Perform at the 0.1% with new habits. Be a disciple to a higher purpose: train hard every day, developing yourself fully. Have DRIVE: connect a major life interest to your purpose and define a mission around it. Have GRIT: mental toughness to control your responses, control your attention, develop emotional resilience, set effective goals, visualize powerfully. Control your attention on success. Change your future by changing your attitude. Interrupt any negativity. Bring awareness to the moment. Re-frame arguments or problems to the positive.

Set effective goals: something to strive for, something to visualize and focus on. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely; they're precise, positive, written, uplifting, and realistic with your skills and resources. Journal your passions, values, and purpose. Consider all the things you'd like to do, be, or have in your life. Next year? Next five years? List all of them.  Identify three life goals that most excite you and move toward fulfilling your purpose. Visualize and live this reality right now as if they have already happened. 

Try something new. Fail. Analyze. Change. Try Again. Failure is growth. 

Analyze your routines: your physical trainings, food (types, quantity, time), vacation, meetings (annual retreats), mental and emotional challenges, and playtime activities.

DAY/WEEK FOCUS FOR______________
The one thing I will achieve:
Priority tasks I must complete:
Projects to work on: 
Contacts: calls, e-mails to people I need to connect with:
Habits I'm working on and how:
Notes, Ideas, Inspiration: 

The one thing: 
Top 3 Targets:
Top 3 Tasks for Each Target:
Top Contacts to Make:
New Habit to Integrate:
Notes, New Ideas, Inspirations:

Purpose/Vision for my life:
Vision for my life:
Top 6 Values & What I can do to get closer to them:
Top 3 Mission Goals for my life:
Top 3 Mission Goals for next 3 years:
Top 3 Targets for this year: 
Must-dos for reaching my Top 3 Targets:
Top 20 Contacts to make:
New Habit to Integrate:
Notes, Ideas, Inspirations (Have/Be/Do List): 

Do the unexpected: to get unconventional and extraordinary results, push the edges of acceptable behavioral rules and norms (ethically). Break rules that are outdated, impractical or unethical.  

Refresh your plan. Put in perfect effort. Spice it up with variety. Re-energize it with new skills, routines, schedules, and goals. 

Elite Teams have a synergy with shared accountability, mission focus, culture, and spirit.  Teams fail because of a lack of commitment to self-mastery. Communicate a powerful vision, a BIG shared vision to build team culture. Hold briefings to convey critical information and ask questions on the mission and individual's roles. Debrief with a facilitator at the completion of the mission, for feedback, to improve individual behavior and team performance, to address issues of organizational structure. Everyone says something. Everythings on the table for discussion: personal and team performance, lessons learned, screw-ups, breakthroughs. Agree not to take anything personally. Check ego at the door. Analyze to improve. Maintain harmony and have positive energy: "We can do it if we do it together."

Lead with your heart. This is the path of self-mastery, truth, wisdom, risking loss and failure. The global paradigm change we face, the work required to steer the ship in a new direction, will take spiritual, political, academic, and warrior leadership to rise up and lead us through the mess. It will take systemic team level efforts where we all unite for an upwelling of honor, courage, and commitment. This time it's for the team of our human race. 

  1. I know why I am doing what I am doing. I embrace risk, loss, and failure.
  2. I will win in my mind before seeking to win in the arena. I'm committed to self-mastery.
  3. I embrace challenge. I embrace the Suck, the 20X. 
  4. I display integrity in words, deeds, and thought.
  5. I never shy away from hard leadership roles. I step back when it's someone else's turn. I am not after power, glory, money, fame; rather, experience to lead and serve.
  6. I am driven by my passion and purpose, not titles or accolades.
  7. I go to the challenge and strive for self-control.
  8. I never quit in training or on an "op." I never leave a teammate behind.
  9. I acknowledge and am open to my inner wisdom, to expand awareness with strong mind-body-spirit connection.
  10. I strive to remain innovative, creative, to learn and grow.
  11. I train realistically. I work tirelessly to have my skills for extraordinary results. 
Power Rituals
  •  Morning: Large glass of water, journal to reflect and visualize. Questions: "What am I grateful for today? Excited about? Looking forward to? What's my purpose? Plans for today? How can I progress toward my goals? To who can I reach out to serve or thank today? Are my goals still aligned with my purpose?"  Then, spend 5 minutes breathing, with mindfulness meditation or yoga. Review your Daily Focus Plan.
  • Evening: With your journal Questions: "Was I in or out of the zone and balanced today? What contributed to this? Top 3 positive things I accomplished/happened? What did I learn? What went wrong today and what's the silver lining? Unsolved challenges for my subconscious to help me with tonight? Then: Meditate. Review major goals.

~ ~ ~ 

Furthermore, consider the major lessons in Robert Greene's Mastery (2012). 

Mastery is a function of time, intense focus, and the X-Factor, the mystical inner guidance.

The ultimate power, the high point of human potential, the source of the greatest achievements, comes with ension, urgency, and crisis. We feel energized and focused, absorbed in the task. Have intense concentration. Practice. Aprentice. Immerse yourself actively. Achieve mastery. 

Discover your calling, your life's task, your inner calling, drive and love. It's your inner force guiding toward what you are meant to accomplish in the time you have to live. It was clear to you in childhood. It faded and became a source of unhappiness and lack of connection. The first step of Mastery is learning who you really are, knowing it with clarity. You'll find the career and everything will fall into place. It's never too late to start. 

Awaken your mind. Your action is a function of your attitude. Be increasingly bold. Experiment. Be original. Be obsessive. Let go of comfort and secuirty. Creative strategy involves a narrow focus with effort and alternative thinking. Creative breakthroughs come with tension and insight, intuition, and excitement. Have very high standards. Detect flaws. Work through blacks of frustration. Letting go for a moment can lead to peak creativity (a subliminal uprush). Create deadlines for pressure, tension and intensity. 

Fuse the intuitive with the rational. Access higher intelligence to see more of reality, to anticipate trends, to respond with speed and accuracy, with deep immersion. Intuit and expand the outer limits of your potential. It's the realm of the mystical and genius beyond rationality. 

~ ~ ~ 

Consider also the Akashic Record (Andrews, 2010):

The Akashic Record is also known as the all-pervasive field of consciousness, the vibrational imprint of everything that has ever, is, and will ever happen. It's known in the Bible as the Book of Life, bythe Egyptians as the Hall of Two Truths; it's known as the quantum hologram, the morphic resonant field, universal consciousness, and the Spiritual Internet.  The Akashic Records also has awareness. It changes, grows, and evolves with consciousness. It's the matrix interconnecting everything.

Everyone is capable of accessing the Akashic Records. It's a function of focused meditation (with theta brainwaves) with love and compassion. (eg, w/ HealingTheta or Theta). Access is considered a psychic ability, through lucid dreaming (see and world of lucid dreaming; it's relatively easy), channeling, remote viewing (see RV practice tests), hypnotherapy, and so on. It's a call to develop your mind and expand your consciousness.

Today's Challenge: We're living in an exceptional time in history. There's a re-evaluation of humanity's core values. It's one of the most significant, pivotal times in history by virtue of the magnitude of the the danger or good that can come. It's a time to shift to higher frequency, wisdom, and upliftment to shift the current paradigm—the assumptions, concepts, values, practices, way of viewing reality. We're seeing leaps in consciousness. The new frequency is our perception: our perception is limited by our level of vibration and compassion/love.
  • Economy: opportunity to eliminate dynamics that no longer serve: it's a cleansing process to eliminate waste, dishonesty, and greed, to restore the planet, to grow and change.
  • Ecology: to create a positive ecological and carbon footprint, with sustainable and humane lifestyles.
The Past: Healing is the process of becoming hold. The essence of wholeness and being is love. Health is inner peace. Giving and receiving are the same.

The Present: Discover your path and purpose for focused actions, for expressing core values, for a meaningful career and partnership. Be engaged in the now and in the flow. (See, Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose). It's about answer the questions, "What's most important? What are your deepest values and beliefs? What gives you joy? What would you do if...?"  Spend thirty minutes journaling about your talents, your intrigues or curiosities, what causes you feel strong and passionate about, your strengths or inner resources. Write a mission statement

Awaken the giant within. You have the power right now to control how you think, how you feel, and what you do. The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. Demonstrate what's possible by being an example. The hardest step in achieving anything is making a true commitment, a specific action. 
Summary: Our purpose gives us motivation, commitment, direction, and guidance. Discover it by examining your strengths, talents, and key life events because your purpose will utilize your past experience, skills and abilities. Flow, synchronicity, resistance and instinct help you know if you're working with your highest intention. As you fulfill your purpose, you open the door to meet your soul mate. Success is measured by internal and external confirmation, not material success. Overcoming your greatest challenge can be your greatest gift to the world.

Challenges, suffering, pain, loss, tragedy, victims of natural disasters, torture, disease, and so on. These can be powerful teachings and motivation to go on a different paths, to follow our dreams, to move toward our life's purpose. It's about growing and healing. Suffering is a result of separation from our essence, our spiritual alignment. Transform fear, anger, or anything that keeps you separated from unconditional love by focusing your life on finding the edge of growth. Awareness will bring fulfillment, meaning and purpose to living.

Do you have a duty to an ideal, group, or lifestyle? Do you sacrifice to help the growth of others (with calmness, acceptance, and courage)? Are you on the path of service to bring Enlightenment to the planet, releasing personal attachments and focused on the masses, motivated by love? (All are in service to the Divine. Examples include Churchill, Gandhi, Mandela, Dalai Lama, MLK, Mother Theresa). Natural disasters and war involving masses of people are an opportunity for service, sacrifice, re-balancing, and learning.

The future in the Akashic Record is written in sand. It changes with conditions, decisions, and choices. Today, the world is focused on change. It's predicted to be cataclysmic, cleansing, and transformative. Prepare for difficulty. There are possibilities for marvelous gifts, great opportunities, higher consciousness, wisdom, balance, and harmony. Reaching to higher ideals is essential at this time to achieve the Golden Age that's prophesied by ancient wisdom. It involves pushing beyond our limits and into our higher abilities, surrendering to a higher good, and mastering the physical continuum. The lesson of quantum physics is that we create reality with our thoughts and our thoughts interact with matter, making it capable to transmute pollution, stabilize the climate, and accelerate ecosystem rejuvenation through intentional visioning and action.  Surviving the change involves staying grounded, centered, developing intuitive capacity, trusting your senses, and growing your love—the spiritual force of universal consciousness. 
Unity or singularity consciousness is a shift from knowing we are connected to knowing we are one; from being part of the whole to being the whole.
 Find a path with heart that excites you, opens your energy flow, and represents your purpose and mission in life.  Trust heartfelt experiences and move forward with confidence. Personal responsibility is the challenge of this moment. Be loving, without fear, with compassion, without attachments. Be at peace. Enjoy the beauty of life.

Peace & Blessings to You and Your Journey

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