Thursday, July 16, 2015

Creating a Network for Superintelligence

I was reading Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom (2014), about replacing humans as the dominant life-form.  

I believe that computer artificial intelligence (AI) is mostly arrogant, ignorant hubris. Human brains are quantum supercomputers whereas the quantum computers that we build are too delicate—they operate at -459.6°F, the coldest place known in the universe, isolated in an environment without vibrations, electromagnetism, or heat,  and cost $10 million per computer.

The better possibility, in my opinion (but not Nick Bostrom's opinion) is known as "collective superintelligence", distinct from AI,  as the enhancement of networks and organizations that link human minds in a system that attains superintelligence.

Superintellignece is defined as greatly outperforming the best current human minds. It's important to reduce the limiting factors or overhead—distortions, inefficiency, equipment costs, time and attention burdens, mission creep, status games, falsified information, and other agency problems (where individual preferences diverge from those of the system as a whole).

Nick reviews the primary ways to enhance human cognition:
  • Education, training, methods, and conceptional frameworks
  • Neurological: nutrition, reduced pollution, adequate sleep and exercise, and prevention of disease
  • Drugs to improve memory, concentration, and mental energy (known as nootropics).
  • Notepads, spreadsheets, and visual software
  • Networks for collective intelligence: norms, conventions, and tools for communication and collaboration (such as the Internet, with great unexploited potential for aggregation).
The problem is, humanity is pretty stupid—it's destroying itself with climate change and habitat destruction, causing the fastest and largest mass extinction in Earth's history. The situation is dire and necessitates urgent, dramatic changes. Otherwise, humans could go extinct within our lifetime. The main cause of this—of habitat destruction, pollution, disease, and over 50% of climate change—is a lethal mix of industrial farming of animals that causes extreme suffering to and kills over 100 billion animals per year, unnecessarily, for it's selfish, greedy, slothful, gluttonous vices and sins of mistaken perceptual separateness. People who can't see that we're all interconnected, interdependent, and one, contribute to the collective stupidity and insanity. According to ancient, ageless wisdom, there really is only one sin—separateness, which undermines the ability to create community and superintelligence. (Unity, p.519). 

For example, the pioneer ecologist, Michael Phillips says in Holistic Orchard, that "accepting food without nutrition—as 99% of people do—is a result of a loss of species intelligence." Even the majority of plant based (vegan) food, which is (or contains) industrially processed, is significantly lacking nutrition or contain deadly toxins, and is therefore undermining or destroying our supercomputer's neural networks, and thus limiting our individual and collective intelligence. The physiology of how foods destroy or enhance our brains is described in Power Foods for the Brain.

This leads to the first few guidelines for creating Superintelligence. Establishing minimum standards for members of a Superintelligent network or organization constitutes an institutional innovation for the enhancement of the quality of the network. The other essential component is increasing the quantity of people engaged in this network.
  • Veganism cuts across issues of education, training, concepts, nutrition, preventing pollution and disease, and cultural, ethical, and spiritual norms, and enhancing brain development. The transition to veganism includes detoxification, fasting, and cleansing internal and mental pollutants. Simple herbal supplements, probiotics, and nootropics are part of the mix. We must evolve ourselves to higher standards of vegan nutrition, incorporating local, fresh, raw foods and with living water and living light—including quantum nutrition for our quantum brains.
  • Growing our own food and eating local food and medicine that is holistically grown is also essential.  Eating industrial foods undermines intelligence and fitness in numerous ways.
  • Adequate sleep (7 hours a night), exercise (1 hour a day), sun (30 minutes a day) and meditation (1 hour a day) are also essential for optimizing our intelligence. There are tens of thousands of scientific articles on the various benefits of these simple practices, which must be integrated. 
It should be clear to my audience that veganism has gained the status of "super-credibility": it's a well-proven fact that veganism is the most effective dietary option (and lifestyle/ethic of ahimsa/nonharming) because of it's significance for optimizing intelligence, genius, health, athleticism, the welfare of animals, environmental sustainability, and so on. Not being vegan is generally a significant problem of consciousness for 99% of people: it undermines the individual and collective evolution of consciousness. The "omnivore" or carnist belief/ideology that violence is acceptable, is intellectually bankrupt. (Unity, p. 135) Furthermore, there are increasing levels of veganims associated with the higher levels of light (photon) emissions, from 1,000 to 145,000 units, for people on increasingly refined diets and meditations: Level 0 vegetarian or aspirational vegans; Level 1 plant-eater for personal health reasons; Level 3 vegans are motivated by compassion for the animals, environment, society and self, and an expanded sense of self; Level 3 raw-vegans eat about 80% live, organic food and water; Level 4 spiritual vegans eat organic, live, individualized foods, with moderate intake, and spiritual fasting; and Level 5 vegans can live from light, known in Yoga as inedia,  a siddhi, or "supernormal ability." (Unity, p. 134, 297 citing Yoga Sutras III:31). 

It should also be clear to my audience that meditation is essential to achieve supernormal abilities, including supernomral intelligence and genius. Siddhis are perfections, accomplishments, attainments, and supernormal abilities of the Atman (self), reflecting spiritual awakening. (Unity, p.16, 357). Siddhis are psychic phenomena and examples of supernormal human capacity recognized and explained by our quantum biology—which is why our quantum biology has a distinct advantage to AI, despite the promotion of AI by experts such as Nick Bostrom and others. (Unity, p.310, describing the limitations of quantum computers, which operate at -459F, and the advantages of our quantum supercomputer brains.) Siddhis are innate yet largely unrealized faculties of consciousness.  Examples of Siddhis include energy healing, telepathy, changing the weather (or atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases or solar radiation), prophecy, materialization (of things like food), teleportation, interstellar travel, and bestowing siddhis to others. However, supernormal abilities are often an obstacle to higher levels of spiritual awakening—moksha, samadhi, Nirvana, or Enlightenment—because they are generally worldly pursuits. (Unity, p. 451, citing the Yoga Sutras III:38). The evolution and attainment of Siddhis necessitates diligent moral and ethical behavior, meditation (samyama), and training—part of the norms and conventions of a Superintelligent Network.

Establishing a Superintelligent Network of small groups of Yogic Vegans—ethical vegans who meditate and can achieve supernormal Siddhis and genius (p. 180-86)—could, through mass collaboration, have infinite potential impact in instituting some sane policy such as eliminating CAFOs, coal, reducing the size of the military and conflicts, campaign finance reform, creating tens of millions of agroforestry jobs, institute WFPB healthcare, etc.—which represents a comprehensive, multi-trillion dollar shift in global economics and sustainability. This Network could also help solve existential threats of  catastrophic climate change, the incalculable cost of several meters of sea level rise to the majority of humanity living in coastal megacities, reverse mass species extinction, replace fossil fuels with zero point energy (and/or the superfuel thorium), replace the Internet with Akashik telepathy, and expand the intelligence and consciousness of humanity.

This is the next quantum leap in civilization, which evolved from tribes of plant gatherers to nation-states of farmers to industrialists. This networking of groups of Yogic Vegan integrates the frontier awareness of humanity and is a transformational force based the ideals of meritocratic governance, democracy, justice, peace, equality, and freedom--and would fulfill the inspirational and incredible prophecy for upcoming Golden Age of a thousand years of peace for humanity. (Unity, p.351, 380-83).  The fate of our crumbling civilization that's addicted to fossil fuels, coal, violence, animal suffering, depends on quantum leaps in awareness. This Golden Age of peace, awakening and Enlightenment is on the horizon.  Its manifestation necessitates enhancing networks and organizations to embrace the norms and genius of Yogic Veganism.
Collective Superintelligence is about the group dynamics of consciousness, where collective practices in meditation are exponentially more powerful in groups. It's the same principle at work with bringing other energy together: two loudspeakers produce four times the sound of a single loundspeaker. Three radio broadcasting antennas will create a focused beam nine times as powerful as one. It's the exponential effect of constructive interference, a universal principle of field behavior.  Humans radiate peace, order, coherence -- and information --they produce an effect that exponentially grows with the number of mediators.  
There is decisive strategic advantages for a speedy transition (days or weeks), with a fast rate of diffusion in human organizations.

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