Friday, March 20, 2015

Quantum Nutrition, Take II

My first, more comprehensive, post on Quantum Nutrition is a bit . . . long-winded and repetitive. And I admit that even this post is somewhat dense and difficult to understand. It's the nature of the subject combined with my own lack of articulation. Although I do have direct experience with this, I'm relatively inexperienced.

I'm trying to clarify the most important messages and to encourage the evolution in food consciousness. Veganism opens the door to this quantum leap in understanding and a gigantic evolution in health and expanded consciousness. 

Fundamentally, quantum nutrition is food that adds light (as biophotons) to our energetic system. Besides sunlight, the food with the most light is a wild or home-grown, authentically organic, living plant. Plants are densified sunlight!   Sea salt minerals and "structured" water (from springs or in watery fruits and vegetables) can also add significant light to our bodies. 

Furthermore, fasting enhances one's ability to absorb and assimilate pure light energy because it helps purify the body's crystalline cellular structure and nervous system, allowing us to enhance our ability to absorb and even transmit light. (This transmission of coherent, harmonious light-energy is the foundation for energy healing!)  Fasting literally puts us into harmony with the sublime vibrations of the universe. A decision to fast is a decision to become aware.
A plant-based, live-food diet reduces impurities, and fasting accelerates the purification process, reducing the resistance for the flow of electrons in our body, which enhances the ability for our crystaline cellular,  sub-cellular (DNA), and neuronal structures to absorb, store, amplify, and transmit these EMFs/photons. In other words, fasting is an acceleration of our body's crystalline purification and quantum EMF-biophoton production and perception.

Food and water also contain more or less light depending on the consciousness of the person growing, harvesting, preparing, and consuming the food.  Giving love to our food is an important and powerful practice because plants are like batteries, storing the energy of our intentions and thoughts. Our prayers can purify and energize the food, which, in turn, purifies and energizes ourselves.
Thus, quantum nutrition focuses on living, organic, wild, home-grown plants; fasting, eating lightly, being well-hydrated, mineralized, and eliminating mental and emotional tension.
As mature vegans, it's more than what we eat, but how we eat: mindfully, with love, attention, and gratitude. This creates a measurable, coherent EMF field around us that attracts and effects others. This is the beginning of becoming a force for healing, for creating coherence, harmony, peace, and compassion in others.

Biophotons are both absorbed by and emitted from the DNA of all living cells. Cells and nerves communicate and regulate not only through chemicals but also through the quantum processing of EMFs/photons. This light in our cells vibrate with quantum frequencies, at a level ten-million times smaller than the atom. 

Food Energy Assimilation
The food we eat also has its own unique subtle vibration and energy field. The more coherent the food's energy, the more healthy it is for our body. Our cells attract nutrients by creating a specifically programmed resonance that matches the nutrient's resonance. The nutrient resonantly and molecularly links to the EMF, releasing its energy into this field, re-energizing it and recharging the subtle energy body. In this way, it's not the quantity of food that we eat, but the quality.

In other words, cells create EMFs that are message signals that tune into the frequencies of nutrient energy. Healthy cells vibrate in resonance with incoming nutrient EMFs. This creates a harmonic resonance in the crystalline membrane and protein complexes of DNA and RNA. The transfer of harmonic resonant energy is how cells send information and self-regulate.

Veganism is great because it eliminates molecular toxins (such as pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, dioxins, etc.) that bio-accumulate up the food-web in meat and dairy. Perhaps more importantly, especially for quantum nutrition, veganism eliminates the "metaphysical toxins" in animal foods: the energetic vibrations of the fear, anger, despair, violence, pain, and suffering of the animals are literally in the flesh and dairy that non-vegans eat, and cause these people to feel that same fear, anger, and depression. This fear and other negative emotions are a literal vibration stored within the cells of the muscle and milk. And this incoherent and disharmonious energy scrambles our own EMFs, causing disease. Dr. Will Tuttle explains the Metaphysics of Food in The World Peace Diet (p.135-52).

Living plants, especially those that we grow ourselves, are full of biophotons and harmonious, radiant energies that enhance the functioning of our cellular and sub-cellular systems. Plants contain the vibrations of the positive energies of the Earth: beauty, life, and cooperation. This is the foundation to quiet our mind and to understand that we are manifestations of consciousness. 
Veganism is synonymous with freedom, liberation, justice, compassion, empathy, health, and wholeness.  -Dr. Tuttle
Next, an 80% raw food diet is even better than a traditional vegan diet because cooking food destroys the plant's biophotons. Organic fruits, vegetables, and grains have at least five times the amount of biophotons as conventional foods. And growing the food has twice the biophotons as industrial organic foods.

Quantum nutrition establishes or restores coherence with the body's energy field. Biophotons are coherent, healthy energies that protect against incoherent or rogue fields that cause disease. Healthier people emit more biophotons. The average person on the standard American diet emits about 1,000 units while a vegan emits about 43,000 units, a raw-vegan emits about 83,000 units, and a person on the quantum nutrition diet emits more than 114,000 units. 

The evolution to quantum nutrition is the evolution of food consciousness. It can literally lead to Enlightenment. It's just as important as meditation to achieve higher consciousness. Having awareness of our quantum reality and being conscious of our expanded quantum self involves a dramatic shift in perspective. People often say that this person has been enlightened. (I describe this phenomenon and perspective in Unity, in the sections Experiencing Unity, pp.206-40, and Quantum Reality, pp.256-63).

The end game here is that the body's highest potential and evolutionary function is perfection and purity on the molecular level. This purity allows one to create coherence in the body's subtle-energy system (chakras and meridians), and also amplify cosmic energy and develop awareness of at-Oneness with the Universal life-force, becoming One with the Divine energy of the so-called zero point field (ZPF). The ZPF refers to the essentially limitless amount of energy in the "empty" space around us.  Increasing our food consciousness involves actualizing our fullest mind-body-spirit potential. The "veil of illusions" of ordinary perception is lifted, and we develop an awakened normality.

Becoming aware of the ZPF is a process of the evolution of consciousness. The brain is an organ that limits or "filters", not creates consciousness. Quantum nutrition is about expanding our perception and consciousness.

Perception: Neuron Sensory Gates

Our perception and senses of the environment are regulated by specific neural gateways that regulate the inflow the infinitely large sensory environment in which we exist. We unconsciously restrict sensory information, but we can train ourselves to open these doors of perception of the nervous system. Similar to how psychedelic ("mind expanding") drugs suspend the brain's filtering action, the combination of quantum nutrition and meditation is a more reliable and safe way to achieve this awakening, this refined perception. 

Neurons fire with the opening of "voltage-gated ion channels", AKA the sensory gating channels, which are sensitive to the internal and external electromagnetic fields in the body, the environment, and in food. (The body creates an EMF because the hundreds of billions of neurons have voltage differences across the neuron's cell membranes).

In other words, EMFs/photons open or close the neuron's sensory gates. The neuron sensory gates are in a superposition: the photons, as a quantum component, can be consciously absorbed, or not. The photons can remain a field/wave of possibility, or "collapse" into a particle, being absorbed and causing the neuron to fire. The collapse of the wave-particle duality is a function of one's will, implying that consciousness has a critical role in defining the nature of our reality.
  • Photons are electromagnetic fields (EMF).
  • Photons open and close the neuron sensory gates. 
  • Thoughts are EMF/photons that extend into the environment.
  • The particle/wave photons are "entangled" with everything in the environment. (For example, your thoughts can effect the neurons/perception of someone else instantaneously).
  • The body's EMFs/biophotons display quantum phenomena of interference/coherence, superposition, uncertainty, and entanglement...!
Expanded perception involves building more neurons and resetting unconscious sensory gating parameters. Quantum nutrition is an intentional re-programming of one's default, automatic, subconscious sensory input. As more neurons fire, and more neuron gates open, the metaphysical background the world begins to emerge. We begin to see and think differently.

The pineal gland, or third eye, is the body's master regulator for EMFs. The leading theory is that it transmits the cosmic ZPF through its biophoton emission ability, and its ability to produce DMT, a powerful form of serotonin, the most important molecule to the development, function, and maintenance of the neural network.

Quantum nutrition involves the transition from dense bio-molecular food being the predominant energy, to less dense, higher-energy foods. Pure quantum energy (prana, life force, ZPF) can enter through the crown chakra, which is connected to the pineal gland. For some, this may be the only source of energy. This is the ultimate quantum nutrition. For the average mortal, however, quantum nutrition is about increasing this ZPF energy source.

Up Next: The Leading Edge of Vegan Evolution

Quantum or spiritual nutrition involves recognizing and developing one's ability for plant-spirit communication and developing relationships and co-creative partnerships with the plants—recognizing individual plant sentience, feelings, emotions, and vital life force. (Unity 323-31, 332-34).
UPDATE (March 21st)

From the website Beautiful On Raw

I discovered another book: Quantum Eating: The Ultimate Elixir of Youth:  (2012) by Tonya Zavasta
  • the quantum body we occupy...
  • raw foods as concentrated sun energy...
  • the circadian rhythms of vital organs...
  • should we sun-block the sunlight?...
  • breathing for optimum weight...
  • oxygen therapies... and many more.
Quantum Eating combines modern science, ancient rejuvenating practices, and leading-edge thought. This comprehensive system can give you the keys to a deep and abiding health, youthfulness up to 20 years younger than your numerical age and a fresh, joyful outlook. The Quantum Eating lifestyle is not for everyone, only for those of us who’ll accept nothing but the best.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Quantum Perception, Quantum Nutrition

First, while you read this, consider listening to theta binaural beats at 528 Hz to create brainwave coherence to optimize your focus, concentration, and understanding. Also, sit with a straight spine and consciously breathe deep. Oxygenate and fuel your body and mind. 

Part I: Introduction to Quantum Biology
  1.  Doors of Perception: Expand and Refine Your Senses
  2.  Training Your Perception: Increasing neurons
  3.  Quantum Evolution: Becoming sensitive to EMFs and Photons
    - Our thoughts and consciousness travel on EMF/photon waves/fields.
Part II: Quantum Nutrition
  1. Quantum Nutrition: food that adds light (as biophotons) to our bioenergetic systems and especially to our DNA.
  2.  Bio-energetic Assimilation: the energy of food and our cells
  3.  Energy Transfers: for optimal quantum nutrition, eat living, organic, high energy foods, eat lightly, fast, and eliminate mental and emotional tension.
  4.  Plant-Energy-Spirit-Consciousness: developing relationships and co-creative partnerships with the plants—recognizing individual plant sentience, feelings, emotions, and vital life force.
  5.  Fasting: enhances our ability to perceive, produce, and assimilate EMF and biophotons, purifies our nervous system and crystalline cellular structures.
 Part III: Bigger Context
  1. Quantum Living
  2. Quantum Reality
  3. Conclusion

Doors of Perception
The following is a guide to our quantum biology and a manual for opening our perceptual gates, which is a paradigm shift and an evolutionary necessity, a critical evolutionary adaptation.  This is about how to think differently.

First you must learn to see.  

All organisms perceive the environment, and take in and process information about it. All life forms must perceive their environment to survive. All life forms must analyze its environment and respond.  All organisms have self-awareness and  intelligence. (Plant Intelligence, Buhner, 2014). This is a process of the evolution of consciousness.

At the interface of self and the environment are organs of perceptions, doors of perception, sensory portals of environmental inputs: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, and feeling. Sensory inflows are analyzed below the level of conscious awareness as to their nature and the meanings embedded in them. The function of the sensory-specific neural networks in us make sense of and regulate the inflow and the extremely large sensory data stream that touches us. We unconsciously restrict sensory information and background input not relevant to our immediate tasks.

Sensory gating channels are tiny apertures or gates or doors in the nervous system network, similar to the lens in your eyes. They act to prevent sensory overload, which is what happens to schizophrenics and those on hallucinogens. (Psychotropics and entheogens cause the boundary between self and other become porous, habituated gating parameters are negated, and sensory channels open widely. However, meditation and fasting is superior, more reliable, safer, and free of the "noise" and negative side effects.)

Stephen Buhner's book Plant Intelligence, is about opening our sensory gating channels at will, to whatever degree required: to open the doors of perception. (Without the gates, everything would appear as it is—Infinite.) Most people have a narrow and limited sensory gating channels, only perceiving a very small part of the world around us. This sensory gating is a way of habituation to repetitious and unimportant stimuli, to reserve the brain's limited resources to focus on important stimuli that needs processing.

To override the continual novelty there is a novelty threshold that must be reached before a new stimulus is considered to actually be novel. You decide. Some sense captures your attention. Your neural system facilitates the process in the creation and release of specific neurotransmitters, which affect the gating levels and processes in the central nervous system - for example, dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, testosterone, estrogen, nicotine, and/or DMT are generated and released depending on incoming sensory inputs and their meaning.

The decision to pay attention overrides established gating parameters and starts the sensitization of refined perception. It takes practice. It's a developed habit of daily behavior over a long enough time (several years, usually) of the neuronal fields becoming increasingly sensitive. The neuronal fields extend and more neurons form. The sensory zone expands in size. It resets unconscious gating parameters.

People should be trained to use enhanced perceptions. There would be many more holy people among us. Rather, people with enhanced perceptions - for example, people with ADHD, autism, and schizophrenics - are proscribed psychoactive drugs to limit their perception to within acceptable social parameters.  Very few people understand how to train people in the use of enhanced perception. 

Quantum Training to Enhance Perception
The doorkeeper obeys when spoken to. The reducing valve of the brain and nervous system can be bypassed as a result of deliberate exercises (or hypnosis or drugs). People can re-program their default, automatic perceptual field and sensory input. Alter the senses by reorienting your internal consciousness, or ego states. Internally coordinated changes in our information processing mode of neuronal circuits changes our behaviors and habits. 
Intentionally shift your senses. A decision to inentionally focus shifts the gating parameters, the unconscious parts of you. Your visual inputs and meaning open more widely in deference to the consicous mind's intent. 
Focus your attention, not your eyes, on something in the visual field and this will override gating. Have some task that demands a greater focus on incoming sensory data flows. For example, focus on the minute detail of a plant and ask "how does it feel?".
Task Sets
Set a task - music, reading, learning to change pH, communicating with plants, seeing auras, dissolving CH4 - and that decision, and interest level, overrides the unconscious gating defaults. Consciously decide to experience certain sensory inflows more important than others, your conscious mind increases their novelty against the background. This, nearly immediately, overrides previous gating settings. Automatic processes are a function of attention and intention. Task sets orchestrate the processing streams towards greater optimization of task performance. It's conditioned automatically.

Processing in task-relevant pathways is enhanced by increasing the gain in neurons in the corresponding areas. Gain is a parameter in neural network modeling, which influences the probability that neuron fires at a given activation level. The likelihood of firing is enhanced when the stimulus is attended to. Simply deciding to increase the "gain" of your perception, to alter the automatic gating habits, we learn to increase our sensory sensitivity at will, to open sensory channels more widely, to engage directly with the meaning held within those sensory inflows. We alter our programing, even at the unconscious levels. This leads to a new functional state. The metaphysical background of the world begins to emerge. We actually think differently.
Intent, task demands, cognitive template, and gating defaults all affect our perceptions. We see what we expect to see.  Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
Quantum Evolution

The wave-mechanical electromagnetic (EM) field in the brain is caused by 100 billion neurons due to the voltage differences across the neuron's cell-membranes. (McFadden, 2002). The EM field is 5,000 times stronger in the heart, which is why I call quantum communication the language of love: the heart is the primary organ of perception of the deeper aspects of the world around us.

The body's EM field displays quantum phenomena: interference, superposition, uncertainty, and entanglement. EM fields are photons. Photons open and close the neuron sense gating channels.
Entanglement is "the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its departure from classical physics," according to Schrodinger. The particle-wave function can stretch over vast distances: when two particles interact and then become separated, they remain entangled with each other and influence each other instantaneously, through the collapse of their mutual wave function. And because the universe began with a singularity called "the big bang," all particles have interacted and everything is entangled.
One conceptual model involves 3 layers: (1) the neurons that interact with the body, and (2) the EM field produced by neural activity—the unconscious mind, and (3) the conscious mental field (CMF, or CEF, conscious electromagnetic field) of conscious experiences, capable of interacting with the unconscious field.  The neuronal activity's EM field consciously causes our actions to influence neuronal firing in a self-referral feedback loop.

Thoughts and ideas are EM fields/waves that extend out into the environment: brainwaves are measured by EEG machines, and are categorized based on their size (wavelength or frequency): alpha, beta, theta, delta, and gamma. Alpha is relaxed, healthy and normal, in-synch with the Earth's frequency. Most people, especially those who drink coffee, are alert and thinking with mind-chatter, are usually in beta. Theta is associated with meditation, intuition, dreaming, and higher consciousness. Delta is deep sleep. Gamma is associated with cosmic-, unity- and higher consciousness and enlightenment. In today's Western world, anything besides beta-waves are considered an "altered state of consciousness." (Unity, 161).

Neurons fire with the opening of voltage-gated ion channels (the "sensory gating channels"), which are sensitive to the EM field. Although neurons usually fire due to a large voltage, there is a large range of excitability or threshold for firing. The EM field—both self-created and external EMFs—may stimulate or suppress/diminish neuronal firing.  (In practice, electromagnetic therapy is used for psychiatric disorders such as depression.)
From photons to mechanical energy: The brain's 100 billion neurons create an EM field of photons that open and close neuron sense gating channels. The neurons firing in the brain stem stimulate the motor nerve firing that stimulate muscle movements. 
More specifically, the energy for the mechanical energy is provided by ATP's hydrolysis by myosin molecules. The enzymatic activity of mysoin is triggered by raised calcium levels due to the response to electrical depolarization of the muscle-cell membrane, which is when the positive ions travel through cell membrane pores—the voltage-gated chambers. This causes nerves in our brain and then our body to fire, which, again, was caused by the EM field created by our subconscious our conscious influence.
The bigger picture: the human nervous system is composed of the central, peripheral, and autonomic. Some nerves are under conscious control while the activity of others is automatic, designed to maintain our body's status quo (for processes we rarely think about such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion). Nerve cell membranes carry or conduct nerve signals. Each signal travels along the membrane as a pulse of electricity caused by the movement of electrically charged particles called ions. The basic "language" of the nervous system is signals or impulses that are frequency based. 
In other words, cells and nerves communicate with each other, not only through chemicals, but also by signaling each other through EMFs, which involves quantum processing of photons, by tapping into each others electric "signature frequency." It's like sending a wireless message on a cell phone.

Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
Mater, light, electricity, and magnetism are all QED. 
(Light is photons, without mass, a packet or frequency of energy E of = 3.58×10−19 J. )

The EM forces are transmitted by photons traveling from one particle to another, which leads to the opening or closing of neuron ion channels.  Only a small number (one or two) photons absorbed from the EM field opens a voltage-gated ion chamber that causes neurons to fire. The voltage-gates are in a superposition in a larger entanglement: the photons, as a quantum-component of the conscious electromagnetic field (CEF), must make a choice to be absorbed or not.

Will the EMF remain a field of possibility or collapse and become a particle?  Will the proton be absorbed by the neuron and a quantum measurement be made? The collapse of the action potential is our decision or free will. (The collapse of the wave-particle duality into either a wave or particle, in laboratory tests, is a function of observation and will, implying that consciousness has a critical role in defining the nature of reality itself.)  Consciousness drives free will.

The First Ever Photograph Of Light 
As Both A Particle And Wave (Carbone, EPFL, March 2015)

Harnessing this understanding of quantum mechanics to perform directed actions is the quantum evolution of our free will. Ancient wisdom, meditation techniques, and technologies assist in the expansion of our consciousness and our quantum evolution.
A quality education would develop higher consciousness and quantum awareness. Education should include techniques and technologies such as meditation, yoga, fasting, music, dance, light, tuning forks, lucid dreaming, astral projection, remote viewing, telepathy, developing other extrasensory perceptions (ESP), energy healing, EMFs, biophotons, biometrics (EEG, fMRI, SQUID, etc.) crystals, platonic solids (especially the merkaba), extreme exercise, ceremony, ritual, entheogens, as well as agricultural proficiency, live foods, nutrient cycling (soils), trees, and nature; and studying the masterpieces of wisdom, literature, arts, sacred books, and mystics.
These and other tools and techniques can help one achieve higher consciousness and true wisdom. Another critical skill is how to access the Akashic Record (the all-pervasive field of consciousness, the Spiritual Internet). Many of these technologies are essentially "training wheels" to access the theta brainwave frequency and the field of higher consciousness. There is an opportunity for a quantum leap in education to accelerate the unfolding of our evolution.
Our consciousness travels on EM/photon/light field-waves. We have a unique signature frequency (amplitude and frequency of EM field/waves) or quantum frequency forms. One can tune-in or resonate, in synch with the frequencies of others, which enables one to communicate with the ocean of energy, the quantum hologram in which we exist. This is known as telepathy (mind to mind communication) or clairvoyance (perceiving things beyond "normal" senses).

Plugging into the quantum field, the energy web of divine light that pervades everything in the cosmos, is often described as a profound, life-changing and deeply spiritual or religious experience. 

One can wade out into "another" person's, animal's, or plant's energy field, with this new vision or extrasensory perception (ESP), which can become sharp and reliable with diligence, discipline, patience, and the conscious, free will choice to collapse the action potential of the quantum superposition, to perceive the thoughts, memories, emotions, feelings, or energy of others. One fine-tunes their intuition, learning this new quantum language. First, one must learn to silence the mind, which can be difficult.  The ability to expand our consciousness and perceive the consciousness of others is linked with one's self-image, worldview, and beliefs about ourselves and our limitations. (Unity, 312-13).
The challenge to us all is to continually open and stretch ourselves to become large enough to embrace the full measure of life in all its inexhaustible proportion.  Life always asks us to become bigger than whatever we encounter, and to stretch our loving embrace to include more than we thought we could. For we are in truth more immense than we imagine, and when we surrender the confines of our mind to the magnitude of our heart, we grow day by day in transformative compassion. - Adyashanti.
Artist: Fabian Jimenez

With training, one can enhance, control, and use the body's biophotons and EM wave/fields through resonance matching. Resonance matching is when we alter our EM wave/fields into coherence with the unique signature frequency of the EM wave/field of another. It's about tuning in, in -synch, in harmony with the energy frequencies of another, through deliberate intent and focus. The human body is a vibratory transmiter activated by thought-forms. The problem is that (a) people don't believe it's possible, (b) have scrambled energy fields from the EMF pollution in the environment from TV, radio, cell phones, computers and other electrical devices), and (c) mind-chatter gets in the way. Yoga and meditation is about overcoming these barriers and expanding our consciousness. (Unity, 318).

The master gland is the pineal gland, or third eye (and connected with the crown chakra). It's the master regulator for EMFs of the cosmos, transmitting cosmic energy through its biophoton emission ability (with piezoelectric properties).  The pineal gland also produces DMT, which is a powerful form of serotonin, the most important molecule to the development, function and maintenance of the neural network.
It's also incredibly important to recognize that industrial civilization has created a toxic smog of electromagnetic pollution that undermines the self-regulating quantum feedback arrangement and the cycles of our body, and all of life. EM pollution from TV, radio, cell phones, computers, and everything electric undermines the vitality of life, causing stress and disease. The military-industrial death grip on EM energy policy and research prevents a healthier system. (The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, Becker, 1998). The only EM pollution prevention technology that I have seen is from Advanced Tachyon Technologies, which converts EM pollution into healing energy. I use a tachyon disk with my computer and wear a tachyon pendant, and, I'd also recommend their meditation/sleeping masks, massage gel,  any of their external, panther juice, or their supplements. 

Quantum Nutrition, Quantum Veganism

The quantum physics definition of nutrition is that the food we eat must add light (as biophotons) to our bioenergetic systems and especially to our DNA. (Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, cited to by Dr. Cousens, Spiritual Nutrition p.106).

The EM-photon field is generated by the brain, heart, and also DNA. Biophotons are emitted from the DNA of all living cells. Research suggests that 97% of DNA is associated with biophoton transmission and 3% is associated with genetic information. DNA uses biophotons to communicate with the cells and cell wall and sets the EMF for the system. In other words, biophotons are intercellular communication.

The light in our cells vibrate with quantum frequencies. The body, cells, and DNA are all resonators like a two-way radio, each with a particular frequency. Biophotons are coherent. When we're healthy, we have a coherent field and are able to protect ourselves from rogue fields (diesease).

Quantum nutrients establish or restore coherence or the energetic resonance of the body's field.  Disease or distress is a rogue frequency, chaos in the field, or an incoherent energy.

Wild grown food has twice the biophotons as organic food. Cultivated organic foods has five times the biophotons than commercial. And cooked and irradiated foods have none.

Healthier people have a higher amount of biophoton emissions. The average person who eats processed and cooked foods and meat and dairy has about 1,000 units of biophotons on average. The average plant-only person has about 43,000 units, the average person with a live-food diet (eating 80% raw, uncooked plants) has about 83,000 units, and the person who eats live foods, wild herbs, and fasts regularly has about 114,000 units of biophotons.  (Unity, 135).

Watery fruits and vegetables have higher conductivity and structured water, which enhances our energy. Dense foods (such as eggs, dairy, and meat) and low-energy (tamasic—spoiled, stale, unripe) foods decrease our energy: they are sludge that slows our vibration and decreases our energy and coherence.

Bioenergetic Assimilation

Food is more than calories, vitamins, and minerals. All foods radiate a unique, specific, subtle vibration from its energy field. Whole, organic, live foods maintains its subtle energy.

Assimilation converts food as a foreign body into a likeness with our own body chemistry and vibration. It's not the quantity, but the ability to assimilate the vitality from the food most effectively that matters, according to Rudolf Steiner. Food assimilation is the liberation of cosmic forces—consciousness—at the core of the material food. The leading theory is that the body's crystalline bone system transforms the vibration of the plant into a resonant frequency compatible with our system.

From the sun activating the plant's cell's chlorophyll, the energized chlorophyll transfers its resonant energy and information into the EMF of iron in red blood cells, transmitting the EMFS into our bone and the bone transmits it to the whole system, with specific pattens to help stabilize and harmonize the EMFS of specific locations of the body—synchronistically and simultaneously.

For example, kinesiology muscle testing is where a specific food is brought into the body's vibratory field, which may weaken, strengthen, or not measurably affect the person. Our cells are living crystals with an optimum cellular resonance, sustained by material at that optimal frequency.

A food's energy is affected by the environment it's grown, the water that nurtures it, and the people who grow and prepare it. Marcel Vogel showed how plants respond to thoughts. This is why food prepared at Ashrams are prepared with love by the most advanced practitioners. Plants act like batteries, storing the energy of our intentions and thoughts-energy. Furthermore, the greatest cohering agent is love. (Vogel also showed how quartz crystals can emit coherent fields that itself is a quantum energetic nutrient that restores coherence to the body.)

Energy Transfers

Glands, organs, and cells have energy field patterns that attract specifically programmed nutrients by like resonance. The nutrients—carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids—resonantly and molecularly link into the larger resonating molecular field, releasing their energy into this field, re-energizing it, recharging the subtle body.

Food carries an energy pattern, resonantly attracted to particular cell's EMFs, according to Bruce Lipton. Proteins, as crystal-like structures, take EMFs and transform them into biologically active signals. For example, the rhodopsin protein in the eye is an energy receptor for light, transforming light into nerve pulses that transfer this energy into the brain's vision center. Another example is how the melanin protein absorbs light and transforms it into sound and EM energy.  Receptor proteins in cell membranes detect and receive EMFS of various nutrients, hormones, ions, neurotransmitters, and available nutrients.

Electomagnetic fields (EMFs)—including ions, electrons, and photons—are converted into signals to moderate cell functioning. Cells convert EMFs into message signals. Cells are tuned into the frequencies of nutrient energy as well as the Schuman resonance, lunar, solar, cosmic resonance fields that affect biology. Cell membranes vibrate in sympathetic resonance with incombing EMFs, which induces a harmonic resonance in the crystalline membrane and protein complexes like RNA and DNA. The transfer of harmonic resonant energy is how cells send information and regulate.

Beyond Meat & Dairy: With very few exceptions, all animal foods inhibit our quantum consciousness and evolution. Because of the inherent desire to live, all animals fear death and, like other thoughts and emotions, this fear is a literal vibration, frequency, and EMF that becomes stored within their cells and muscles. When we consume and assimilate this energy, it scrambles our own EMF fields and literally undermines our capacity for love, harmony, and light/biophotons. Eating death frequencies causes disease and death.

Dr. Will Tuttle explains this in The World Peace Diet, in the chapter on the Metaphysics of Food, and the subheading, Eating Vibrations. (p.135-52). The basic idea is that animal "foods" are not just biochemical toxins that cause disease, animal foods are also metaphysical toxins of the animals' chronic and acute terror, fear, despair, anxiety, rage, frustration, and pain experienced by the animals.  The plant-based alternative is a connection with the positive energies of the earth: beauty, life, and cooperation.

The World Peace Diet also emphasizes that it's not just what we eat but how we eat. It's important to eat mindfully, to create meals with love, attention, and gratitude. Cultivate inner feelings of loving kindness while you eat.  It has quantifiable, measurable effects on our food and on ourselves.

The path to quantum nutrition involves a transition from the Standard American Diet (SAD), to a plant-based (vegan) diet, to a whole-foods plant-based (WFPB) diet and conscious eating, to live-foods (raw), to quantum nutrition.

A plant-based, live food diet reduces the impurities and imperfections in the body's crystalline cellular structure, which enhances the ability to absorb the photons because it reduces the impediments and resistance for the flow of electrons. It also enhances the EMF field.
Bones are a solid crystal structure and able to convert vibrational energy such as sound or light into EMFs and electric energy. As a crystal, it can absorb, store, amplify, transduce, and transmit these vibrational energies. Our crystalline bone structure acts as an antenna for incoming energy and information, resonating with all levels of energy - music, singing, or EMFs. The body's cellular and sub-cellular crystalline structures are a synchronous and interaction, enhanced through water and mineralization.  (Unity, 493, citing Cousnes).
Live foods are densified sunlight stored in plants as excited electrons. When eaten, this stimulates a resonant response from our subtle energy body, directly receiving the pranic transfer of stored sunlight. Our bodies become more harmonious. Meditation is the key process through which the life force is taken into the system. (Unity, 289-93). Quantum nutrition is part of Spiritual Nutrition.

Quantum veganism also involves the recognition and practice of sending vibrations of loving prayers into water and food, which creates a measurable frequency, pattern, and vibration of emotion, information, and consciousness, which can purify and energize the food, which then, in turn, purifies and energizes ourselves. (Unity, 296).

Sub-Conclusion: Foods are nutrients and energies that develop us as crystals. Once the body has completed its growth, we need minimal nutrients to maintain homeostasis. Nutrient's main purpose becomes to supply energy to maintain our subtle energy. If we don't decrease our appetite, we crystallize a spare tire. The idea is to eat the minimum necessary to keep the energy and conductivity of the body at a maximum. We shift toward absorbing less condensed energy and we need less material food.

The quantum energy in our food energizes our energy fields, and our subtle energy body can become the predominant energy system as we transition to less dense, higher energy foods. Pure quantum energy can enter through the crown chakra. For some, this may be the only source of energy, the ultimate quantum nutrition.

For Quantum Evolution, eat living, organic, high energy foods, eat lightly, fast, eliminate mental and emotional tension, and become a better quantum superconductor and supercomputer. 


Quantum or spiritual nutrition involves recognizing and developing one's ability for plant-spirit communication and developing relationships and co-creative partnerships with the plants—recognizing individual plant sentience, feelings, emotions, and vital life force. (Unity 323-31, 332-34).
Eating plants unconsciously (especially industrially produced plants) is merely consuming a body. It's the biochemicals but not the biophotons. It's not the spirit or the sacred powers of the Earth and the Universe. Most people view plants and other matter as devoid of spirit, intelligence, soul, or purpose. Most people see plants and minerals as a resource. Our ancestors, ancient traditions, and wise and enlightened cultures have a very different perspective. They recognize that all things possess a soul and that humans are only one among a multitude of ensouled beings.

Plant Intelligence: From Goethe, George Washington, Fukuoka, Darwin, to Nobel Prize winning B. McClintok—they all recognized plant intelligence. Plants have an electomechanical pulse, a nervous system, long-distance electrical signalling, and neurotransmitters identicical to our own. Many plants are even more intelligent than many humans, and capable of a refined recognition of self and non self.

The Greek term aisthesis ("to breathe in") is feeling the soul essence of another; a moment of recognition; a basic experience at the root of our relationship with the world. Aistheis happens when we recognize the truth that we live in a world of ensouled phenomena, forms with awareness and consciousness. We experience it when we see old friends, or close family, or a beloved pet. it's the kiss of one's beloved, an exchange of soul essence. It's a touching that goes deeper than the physical.

Fasting: The Key to Quantum Awareness

Fasting is the most powerful way to achieve quantum awareness and energy development.

Fasting enables our hearts to become an organ of perception. Fasting awakens us to the quantum reality. Fasting is an ancient and sacred tradition that unites practically all cultures and religions. Fasting is an acceleration of our body's crystalline purification and quantum EMF-biophoton production and perception.
Heart Disease: Many have lost this perception because the Western culture sees a dead universe, dead matter, and a world without soul—a belief and limited perception that literally breaks our hearts and is a major reason why heart disease is the number one killer in the Western world. The other major reason for heart disease is the consumption of animal flesh, milk and eggs, which literally clog our hearts with cholesterol and vibrations of fear and violence.  Cut off from the luminous aliveness of the world, one experiences alienation, depression, and a loss of personal meaning and direction. This often results in acts of depreciation, exploitation, pollution, and denigration of the physical world.
A big part of quantum nutrition is fasting, which enhances our ability to assimilate subtle EMF-biophoton energies. Traditionally, fasting is called an austerity (tapas in yoga), for body and mind purification and self-discipline.  The body is capable of being open and assimilating pure energy, sunlight, oxygen, biophotons and EMFs as primary nutrition and food, essentially replacing bio-molecular nutrients, which only supply 10% of energy needs. 

Fasting first involves the painful process of excreting toxins. The experience begins with the free, deliberate decision to suffer and sacrifice our body and ego. It ends with the profoundly happy surprise of being in harmony with the universe. The focus in quantum evolution includes and transcends our health and developing our will to overcome selfish desires. It's a spiritual, emotional, and physical act. It's a practice that's both simple and complex. It deals with our most fundamental relationship with food and nurturing. A decision to fast is a decision to become aware.

Fasting is about achieving higher states of consciousness and increasing the amount of cosmic prana entering the body. It involves becoming aware of our soul's purpose. Fasting is a powerful, transformational element of our journey to awareness. It's one of the most potent ways to explore the world that lies underneath the surface of things, the shadow side of life, to heal to explore our interior world. It opens the door to the deep Self.  It unlocks the door to the soul. It's about our soul's communication with the sacred. On the other side is a very different kind of life.

In advanced fasting, such as a 40-day water fast, one achieves greater unity awareness, harmony, and can feel a pulsating energy on the crown chakra, which can become fully awakened and activated. When this happens, energy flows and pulses into the body through the crown chakra. Prana and sunlight become the body's main food. One becomes aware of light penetrating to the DNA. There's a resonant unity with the cosmos.

The Bigger Picture

Quantum Living

Everything is vibrations of energy, including our bodies, our thoughts, and our beliefs. Everything is unified, entangled, and part of a pulsating energy field that responds to our thoughts, consciousness, prayers, intent, and will.  (Unity, 391-96, citing Quantum Warrior).

If you develop and train your mind-brain-consciousness, it becomes like a tuning fork, a vibrational force that attracts to us people, circumstances, events, and synchronicities, with our finances, relationships, career, and health. Embracing our quantum being is an awakening and realization that our thoughts create reality. Imprint your goals, desires, images, and beliefs into the subconscious because the subconscious produces EMFs that create your reality.

Quantum suggests infinite potential and opportunity. Quantum living is about being aware of your thoughts. Believe what you desire. Think, speak, and vibrate with the energy signature of abundance and confidence. Establish and internalize powerful foundational beliefs. (For example, think and know, "I am healthy." I am academically successful." "It is easy to make money." ) Feel the power, significance, and truth of these beliefs. Align with the energy. This quantum alignment is weaving the web, connecting your consciousness with the vibration of what you want in life.  These affirmations imprint the subconscious in a proactive, extraordinary way to manifest success in both the monopoly game of work and the cosmic game of enlightenment.

Choreograph energy: (1) witness the internal dialogue of the mind. Make it positive and strong. Break bad habits. (2) Drop pettiness or pity. Focus on useful things, empowerment, and upliftment. (3) Gather and harvest fun, joy, and beauty. Notice it daily. Be grateful for simply daily pleasures. It enhances our energy and nourishes us.

Develop partners and relationships with anyone who you want to embody - Buddha, Jesus, Plato, da Vinci, Franklin, Einstein. Read about your partners, visualize talking with them, feel their presence, dream about them, and download their wisdom.

Awaken and activate your soul. Become larger, greater, wiser, and harmonious. Do good work. Help others. Awaken your heart. Accelerate your life purpose. Feel and experience oneness. Train daily to be your best. Reimagine and recreate yourself. There are infinite possibilities. Live this truth. It's the truth of the great mystics, visionaries, and quantum physicists.

Be the hero on an epic adventure and journey. Be the best you can in every situation, energized, focused, courageous, inspired, and driven toward a specific purpose.  Regularly train your mind to weave the energy web with focus and imagination. Be committed to excellence with clearly defined goals.

Plus, of course, quantum living involves Energy Healing.

Quantum Reality

Because our brains are quantum supercomputers, we can program our belief-software and develop our neural hardware. With this training, one can flip the switch into the quantum reality, known as the Hilbert space in mathematics, the Akashic Records by psychics, and the universal field of consciousness by mystics.  (Unity, 310 et. seq.)

Applied quantum physics is the use of our biological subatomic light (photon) radiation, or "biophotons." Our biophotons interact with other people, food, material, and have profound effects our inner and outer environment.

In Unity, I discuses the art and science of knowing and seeing this quantum reality—how we are part of an interconnected an unified energy field—and how to consciously expand our body and heart's photon and light field emissions, to consciously interact with and influence this ocean of energy.

The implication is a quantum revolution in healing and harmony with our bodies and our outer environment, as well as a revolution in communications, technology, and energy. People who can perceive and interact with the quantum reality are usually considered "enlightened", or possessing a "higher consciousness." (Unity, p.14)

One big implication is the use of our quantum abilities to solve the environmental crisis: biophoton photolysis, in a large group effort, could dissolve greenhouse gases, accelerate photosynthesis, and reverse ocean acidity. We can also predict and prevent storms. Consciousness is both the problem and solution to our existential environmental crisis. Another big implication is for the next generation of communications: quantum communication through biophotons will replace mechanical telecommunications, which causes disease, undermines our evolution, is expensive, and is vulnerable to failure from solar flares.

Furthermore, DNA can be changed through EMFs-biophotons generated in meditation. We can consciously evolve our genetics. These genetic changes could enhance one's cognition, genius, consciousness, healing abilities, and other traits and skills, including supernormal abilities (yogic siddhis) such as telepathy, claivoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, changing the weather, and materialization. (Unity, 345, 360).

Ancient wisdom shows us how, through samyama (concentration, meditation, contemplation, and absorption) on the light within, knowledge of the subtle (atomic), hidden and remote lands is obtained, and the veil of ignorance is lifted. (Yoga Sutras III:26).

One last point
Science still doesn't understand the quantum reality.
 "Empty space" is filled with particles such as the Higgs Boson (plus quarks and gluons) discovered by CERN in 2011. The empty space of just one meter cubed has 10^37 joules, which is the total amount of energy our sun produces in 1,000 years. It's a negative energy density. According to our current theories and knowledge, there is no explanation why the universe doesn't explode. This is called the cosmological constant problem: a central problem in fundamental physics. This is the edge of knowledge. (The cosmological constant is the value of the energy density of the vacuum of space: how the universe is about 70% dark energy.... This is zero point energy. See my Free Energy blogpost).

Conclusion & Summary

The Quantum Revolution is the awareness that our brains, hearts, and bodies are quantum supercomputers, entangled with everything in an ocean of energy. We emit electromagnetic (EM) fields and biophotons, and we also absorb EM from the environment, which influences our physical movement, health, and is perceptable as thoughts, emotions, information, and consciousness. The Quantum Revolution has implications for everything from solving the environmental crisis to communications to education, to genetic evolution. It's a conscious choice and challenge to expand our energy and compassion and evolve our quantum abilities to become aware of the quantum reality. The path of quantum evolution is through meditation (including ancient manuals such as the Yoga Sutras), and nutrition.

Quantum nutrition is about the purification and perfection of our crystalline body structure to enhance our quantum abilities for emitting and receiving EMFs-biophotons-light. Quantum nutrition is (1) pure energy (EMFs, biophotons, sunlight, oxygen, prana), and (2) plants, who have a biomolecular body that is densified sunlight and also an individual spirit, self-awareness, emotions, consciousness, intelligence, and who enter into a co-creative partnership with us. We can purify and energize the life force of plants and water by sending them (perhaps on faith at first) loving thoughts-vibrations, and developing our ability to communicate with plant-spirit consciousness.

A key to quantum awareness is fasting. Fasting opens the doors of perception. Fasting facilitates the creation and release of specific neurotransmitters such as DMT that help change our habituated gating parameters and open our sensory channels. It affects the gating process in the nervous system. Fasting is a practice of focusing to develop new habits to override and reset our unconscious gating parameters, to sensitize our senses, to build new neurons, and to refine our perception.

In other words, fasting enhances our body's quantum abilities for receiving and transmitting EMFs and photons—for consciously absorbing photons, which collapses neuron gates and expands our senses. Fasting increases our awareness of EMFs and photons and the sacred consciousness of all life and matter. It also increases our awareness of our self, our health, our purpose, and our ability to lead a very different life.  It leads to the ability to dramatically expand ourselves—our healing and harmonious biophotons and EMF energy fields—for healing ourselves and others, for communication, for revitalizing our inner and outer environment—in a transformative way.

Living the quantum life involves creating and focusing on powerful thoughts and beliefs: they're a vibrational force that attracts to us people, circumstances, events, and synchronicities, with one's finances, relationships, career, and health. Be the best you can in every situation, energized, focused, courageous, inspired, and driven toward a specific purpose.